How to calculate the percentage increase

Each time a statistic or measurement increases, it is possible to calculate the percentage of that increase . The percentage increase calculation is not difficult if you know the basic formula for its use. This operation is simple and can be very useful on different occasions, so if you want to see how you have to do it, keep looking at the following article on how to calculate the percentage increase.

You will need to:
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Calculator
Steps to follow:


Calculate your original amount and the amount of increase . If the problem says: "Last week 345 people attended church This week there were 360 ​​people in the church What is the increase percentage ? You will have to add, using 345 as your original amount and 360 as your increase.


Find the difference between the two numbers to find out how much the total increase is . To do this, subtract 345 from 360. This gives you 15. This is the amount of the increase.


Find out what percentage means 15 over the original amount. Use this formula: increase = original amount * percentage increase. Since you do not know the percentage increase, use the values ​​you know and leave the ones you do not know as the variable. This looks like

15 = 345 · x


Find x. Round your answer to the nearest thousandth: 15 divided by 345 is 0.043.


Change your answer to the percentage form by moving the decimal to the right two places (or multiply by 100 to make the%) and adding the percent sign. The percentage increase in this example is 4.3%.


Check your answer: 0.043 * 345 = 14.835. This is not exactly a 15 because you rounded up your answer, but it is close, which indicates that you have solved the problem correctly, since 14, 835 is very similar to the value of 15 that were the most people who have gone to church the second time .


Simplify the steps in the following formula: (increase in quantity - original quantity) / original quantity. This would look like (360 - 345) / 345. The answer is still 4.3%.

  • Check the instructions to see which place you are supposed to round up to when you find an increase percentage. In this example, we round to the nearest thousandth, but you can have different instructions.
  • Do not forget to move the decimal to the right two places before writing your answer as a percentage. In this example, 0.043 = 4.3%.