Why cats can not eat sugar

We love our pet so much that sometimes, at times, we forget that it is an animal and we want to compensate it in the same way that we would with a human. In this way, some cat owners offer their cat sweet foods or foods that contain sugar, something that could compromise their well-being. Do you know why it is not advisable to do so? In .com we explain in detail why cats can not eat sugar .

Steps to follow:


In principle it should be made clear that cats naturally have no predilection for sweets, this is because in the taste buds of the cat the sweet taste is not perceived, so it is an unattractive reward for the animal.

It is very rare to see a cat hanging around or trying to taste foods like chocolate, biscuits or any other kind of candy.


Some specialists believe that this is because the cats have developed a system of defenses against this type of food, which are harmful to their health. In fact, chocolate is toxic to cats, in the same way that some sweet products that contain milk can be very indigestible for the animal.


In spite of all that, if you are used to your cat since you are a child you will end up eating sweets, something that is harmful to your health. The reason why cats can not eat sweets is because the sugar produces many flatulences and colic in the animal, affecting its intestinal transit and causing discomfort.


If you want to compensate your cat with something you think can be delicious, then nothing better than giving him a kibble as a reward. Of course, remember that you should do it as something eventual because this type of awards contain many calories, something that can lead to obesity especially if the animal is sterilized.