How to find and join LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn is a professional network through which you can get in touch with people from your same professional sector, make new contacts, find old co -workers, etc. To use it, you must register and complete your profile with personal and professional data, you can see here how LinkedIn works . In addition, another of the options allowed by this social network is to be part of groups, through which you can discuss matters of interest to you and the rest of its members. There are different types of groups : business, alumni, non-profit organizations, commercial organizations, conferences and specific to a sector. In .com we explain how to find and join LinkedIn groups .

Steps to follow:


Pass the cursor over Groups at the top of your home page, and select Group Directories from the drop-down menu


Find those groups that interest you by using the Group Search box on the left.


In the same menu, you can also click on Groups that you might like and take a look at the groups that LinkedIn offers you, based on your experience, studies, contacts ...


Once we have found a group that we want to join, we must click on the group name and click on the Join the group button. The group administrators must accept and approve your request and you will receive an e-mail when you have joined the group (usually a very fast process).