How to connect my iPhone to a Wi-Fi network

Connecting to the Internet through a Wi-Fi network on iPhone is as easy as it is fast; In this way, we are presented with the option to use the same Internet connection that we use at home without having to spend the MB that we have hired in any mobile operator. In fact, if you do not have any flat data rate to access Internet from your phone, through a Wi-Fi network you can do it completely free, whenever you find one available ... Interested? Keep reading!

You will need to:
  • An iphone.
Steps to follow:


Go to the 'Settings' menu of your mobile device and then click on 'Wi-Fi'.


This screen shows a small button to turn on or off the Wi-Fi signal search and, just in the lower area, the different networks that are within our reach.


Select the Wi-Fi connection to which you want to connect and, automatically, iPhone will ask you for the password of your wireless network ; This is just below your router. Type it and click on the 'Connect' button.


Once you have connected, in the 'Settings' menu you will see the name of the wireless network and, in the upper area of ​​the screen, the Wi-Fi symbol will have appeared indicating the level of your connection on your iPhone .

  • Remember to turn off the Wi-Fi connection search button when you do not want to continue using it; otherwise, the duration of your battery will decrease considerably.
  • The process of entering the password is only required once per network.