How to delete duplicate files in iTunes

Apple iTunes offers many features, beyond the purchase of songs and other multimedia content through the iTunes Music Store, the program also works as a song management program with all the functions of the library. If your music collection was assembled from multiple sources, however, chances are there are some duplicates of a song or album. Fortunately, iTunes can automatically detect them and highlight duplicate files.

Steps to follow:


Open iTunes and select your music collection. The library is the first element that appears in the subtitle "Library" on the left side of the iTunes window. Click on "Music" to load the music library.


Click on "File, " and select "Show duplicates."


Scroll through the songs that appear and find that duplicate files are identical. The iTunes ranking algorithm only selects by song title, so if you have a live version of the same song, for example, it is still detected as a duplicate.


Select any duplicate song that you want to delete. Press the "Delete" button, to remove it from your iTunes library.