How to give access to a remote user in Windows

If you have a computer in a local network with an Active Directory domain, you will be interested in giving access to your computer to other users of the same domain, usually the administrator, so that it can perform important tasks such as monitoring the status of your computer and recording possible errors can be given

You can grant this intrusive user different levels of access, depending on the management needs in the network. In .com we explain step by step how to give access to a remote user in Windows.

Steps to follow:


In the computer to which the remote user will have access, you have to open Control Panel and, later, User Accounts. You will see an option that says Grant access to the team to other users . You have to click here.


In a pop-up window, the system will ask you to write the following data in order to give access to a remote user in Windows:

  • Name of the user that will access the equipment.
  • Name of the domain


In the next step, you can now choose the degree of permissions that the remote user will have, so you can limit the tasks that you can do. These are the levels offered by the system:

  • Standard. In this case, the user can access the applications and make changes in certain configurations, provided they are not basic for the operation of the computer.
  • Administrator. The permissions in this option are maximum, so that the remote user will have full control over the equipment.
  • Others. Here we can customize the permissions.

As we start from the idea that the remote user will have to perform team management tasks, we grant him the option of Administrator.


Now, the user will have full access to our team and will be able to control its performance and make all the changes that improve it.