Why my cat sneezes a lot - knows the causes

Humans are not the only ones who sneeze, animals like dogs and cats do too. Although it is very common to occur occasionally, when we notice that our pet sneezes more than usual is a sign that something is happening and that they may be sick.

In the case of cats, one of the most common pets, can sneeze by movements and even emotion. However, here we explain what are the possible causes that answer your question about " why my cat sneezes a lot? " And the symptoms that you should take into account when this happens.

Causes of sneezing in cats

Like people, cats expel air abruptly from the nasal passages and mouth to clean any external agent inside mucous membranes; The problem arises when the small cat begins to present nasal discharge and sneeze very often.

Apart from a drip, you can have watery eyes and loss of appetite just because you can not smell your food, hence it is very important to consult the veterinarian to find the exact reason for frequent dribbling and sneezing.

Normally, the main causes of sneezing in cats are the following, although there are other possible causes as we will see later.

  • Allergies
  • Virus
  • Bacteria

Allergens that make your cat sneeze a lot

Cats can have respiratory allergies from particles in the environment and even some food with a particular smell. See what you are using that is new at home and if you use frequent sneezing every time you use it, if so, you will know what it is about. Remember that the nose of the cats is extremely delicate and any strong smell that they can not tolerate well can irritate their mucous membranes.

Between the respiratory allergies of the cats it can appear:

  • Powder.
  • Cat litter that gives off dust.
  • Insecticides, disinfectants or spray perfumes.
  • Candles
  • Chlorine, soap and other products for cleaning.

This kind of allergies do not always cause sneezing, be alert for any other symptoms such as skin rash or constant itching. In case of presenting this, it is necessary to take it to veterinary consultation where the professional will prescribe antihistamines or steroids, according to what you need.

Your cat sneezes a lot because of viruses or bacteria

Bacterial and viral infections are very common in cats and usually have symptoms such as frequent sneezing, however, many of these can be prevented after vaccinations.

One of the most common viral infections that, among other symptoms, produces sneezing is feline herpes, transmitted from one infected cat to another by means of food or mutual cleansing with his tongue. Although it is a difficult virus to treat, with medicines you can achieve the improvement of the animal.

Another very common virus is feline calcivirus ; This is characterized by focusing mainly on the mouth and lungs of the cat, triggering an infection which if not treated in time can turn into pneumonia.

Other causes that generate frequent sneezing in cats

As we commented before, most sneezes in cats are due to allergies, viruses and bacteria, however these can trigger complications and other kinds of diseases which would cause serious problems in the health of the cat.

The VIF or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus develops very slowly in the cat, but when triggered it can cause severe damage to the immune system and, therefore, make it more susceptible to other types of infections.

  • Feline infectious peritonitis.
  • Leukemia.
  • Chlamydia
  • Bacteria such as Bordetella or Mycoplasma.

In very rare cases, sneezing may be due to a nasal obstruction and in rare cases is a symptom of cats with cancer. There have also been cases where cats with dental problems, say roots or infected teeth, generate secretions to the paranasal sinuses, causing frequent sneezing. Keep in mind that intranasal vaccines can cause sneezing for a period of 4 to 7 days.

When to consult the veterinarian

Since you noticed the frequency of sneezing, keep an eye on it. If you are away from home, make sure you stay inside and away from any allergen mentioned above. If you notice that it is due to your sand, change it for another one. Observe for a few days, approximately 5, if you do not have sneezing with blood, excess fluid, watery eyes or any other symptom like these:

  • Fever.
  • Loss or lack of appetite.
  • Weightloss.
  • Fatigue.
  • Inflammation of the eyes, discharge or conjunctivitis.
  • Cough.
  • Nasal discharge with yellowish or greenish color.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing accompanied by gasping and whistling.
  • Opaque hair or with fall.

If a few days pass and you continue to sneeze or if you observe several of these symptoms, take your cat to the vet as soon as possible.

How to prevent your cat from having viral and bacterial infections

There is a vaccine known as FVRCP vaccine and is indicated for cats at an early age, to prevent feline herpes and other serious viral diseases. It is also used to protect the animal from FIV and some other infection that originates from it. The best option is to speak with the veterinarian and ask him if it is indicated or not for your cat to give him this vaccine.