Why my car's air conditioner smells like vinegar

If you wonder why the car's air conditioner smells like vinegar is that you are not doing proper maintenance of the system in terms of cleanliness and frequency of recharging. Thus, although there are many car owners who suffer from this problem, it is not normal for air conditioning to give off a vinegar smell or anything else. To help you solve it, in .com we answer the question of why my car's air conditioner smells like vinegar .

Steps to follow:


The reason why your car's air conditioner smells like vinegar is that the moisture that exists in the system makes it possible that, if the necessary maintenance tasks are not carried out, fungi and bacteria proliferate that will end up causing this smell similar to vinegar. We recommend that you read this article in which we explain all the steps to take a good maintenance of the air conditioning of the car.


Well, the fact that this system has moisture, something that has to be so, is not the only cause that the air conditioning of the car smells of vinegar . So, to this factor you have to join that you do not clean the air when it is necessary so that eventually this unpleasant odor is produced inside your vehicle when you act the cold.


To prevent the air conditioning of the car smell so strong you should clean the system twice a year, every 6 months, and even apply a specific product to kill fungi and bacteria, which are usually resistant. We recommend that you read this article in which we explain step by step how to clean the car air conditioner.


The reason that the car's cooling system smells like vinegar can be found, too, in the air conditioning's own charge . If you have not renewed it for a long time and have not used the air conditioner for a long time, fungi and bacteria will have proliferated, causing the odor to expand when you act on the cold.


Therefore, it is advisable to renew the load and, especially, when you have been months without using the air conditioning of the car. In this article we explain how to load the air conditioning, but you can also go to a workshop because it is a somewhat complicated operation.


If you have more problems of bad odors with the air conditioning of your car, in addition to doing a good maintenance of recharging and cleaning the conduits of the system, we recommend that you read this article in which we offer you some tips so that the air conditioning of Your vehicle does not smell bad.