How to prevent my bird from escaping

Do you have a bird and are you worried that it will escape? Keep reading, because in this article we are going to give you some tips so that your bird is at ease and free of risks. You must provide a stimulating space, that does not lack anything and educate him so that he is out of the cage with you without running any danger. You must not forget that the place for a bird is not a cage, so if you have decided to have one, give it the best of possible lives and treat it with all the attention it deserves. In .com we explain how to prevent your bird from escaping.

Steps to follow:


To begin with, it is essential that you offer your bird a wide cage, as much as possible. This will depend on the available space, but if you have a terrace or a large balcony mount a custom cage so that your pet can move relatively easily. We recommend that you consult our article on How to clean the bird cage to keep it always in perfect condition.

In that cabin you must put all kinds of accessories so that your bird can rest and sleep. It includes sticks at different heights so you can climb, put a swing, a mirror or any object that you think you may like. In this sense, you can try different ones and see which one you finally like the most.


Another very important aspect for your bird to be well at home in its cage is that it is very close to a source of natural light. If you have a terrace and the weather is fine, leave your cabin there, but if this is not the case, you should put your cage next to the window.

A good environment is essential to preserve your emotional state and achieve a healthy life. You should never leave your bird in a dark and silent room, that is not the place for him. You will see that if you put your pet's cage near the views and in contact with sunlight, your bird will feel comfortable. Also, if you are close to you, you should interact with him, talk to him ..., feel that he is in good company.

It is also convenient that the site you choose to place your cage is on a flat surface and in an area where there is little noise.


So that your bird does not have the urge to escape, you must provide everything you need and, above all, you must always have food and water at your fingertips.

Birds are very particular with their water and their food and if they perceive something as bad, they will reject it. Therefore, every day you must change the water in your drinker to prevent it from finding food or excrement, and make sure it is fresh. And regarding food, you should put in your trough, a soup spoon or more (according to your bird's food needs) of your favorite birdseed. It will eat the seeds and leave the husks and other parts in the feeder or nearby. It is important that you renew your food every day, as it is possible that you will confuse the waste with the new seeds and, consequently, that you will not eat well.


Inside the cage besides sticks, feeder, drinking fountain, your bird must have toys. Choose toys of different shapes, colors, sizes, colors and textures, you can even choose one with sound, although not very strident. All this will serve to keep him entertained and prevent him from escaping.

Think that the happier and more satisfied your bird is, the less likely it is that it will try to escape, and the easier it will be to educate it.


If you want your pet out of the cage, you will have to educate him for it, and if you do not, he may try to escape. You will have to dedicate time to your training, you can start by training your bird to pose on your finger. Put your finger in front of her and say "up", each time she does give her a treat. Positive reinforcement also works on birds for their education.

You must also practice when you are not going to return it to the cage so that it does not associate that to do that, suppose returning to its closed compartment. It is recommended that you insert it inside and let it out so you do not know clearly that the return to the cage is for a prolonged period. In addition to testing with your finger or your hand, you can do it with a stick to pose on it.


There are specialists who recommend that this procedure be done every time you return the bird to the cage, so that it is he who of his own will decides when to return home.

When your pet has it in your hand or on your finger, you should hold it (gently) so that it does not fly away, especially the first few times. One way to do this is by pressing your thumb against your forefinger, so you secure your bird's legs, or you can hold your back carefully so it does not spread its wings. Go testing these positions throughout the training, so your bird will get used to it and will not anticipate its return to the cage. You will see how in a short time you will get him to pose in you and prevent your bird from escaping successfully.