How to create an application for Facebook

Among the possibilities offered by Facebook both at the level of personal accounts and, especially, in business environments, we must highlight the possibility of creating custom applications for our Fan Page. Creating an application for Facebook can be much simpler than it may seem at first, although we can also emphasize that if you have programming notions, for example in PHP, we can develop fully customized applications for our company page. In this way, we will expand on how to create an application for Facebook.

Steps to follow:


Creating a custom Facebook application requires first registering with the Facebook developer center. For this you have to access the Facebook Developers Application Center and register as a developer using your Facebook account. You will see that he asks for your phone, and it is fundamental to put it, otherwise he will not leave you.


Second, and within the same page, we have to click on the "create new application" option to start the process itself to create an application for Facebook. Then the system will request the name of the application, after this we will provide two key information, the App ID (identifier) ​​and the APP Secret (Secret Code). We will have to enter these data later in the process.


The third step in the process of creating an application for Facebook is to upload the identifying icons of our application. These icons are those that appear in the different sections of Facebook in which our application will be seen. For example, we will have to upload a 111x74 icon for the page tabs or a 16x16 icon that will be used as the primary or favicon icon for the entire application.


Finally, we have to indicate the address where our application is located . In this sense we can use any of the existing services or develop an application that, once running and posted on the Internet, we can refer to Facebook. In this way, and after pointing out the final aspects of size, we will have our Facebook application fully operational.