How to care for a fractured cat

Cats are agile animals with an incredible sense of balance that often surprises us. This, along with his curious and adventurous spirit, makes them love to climb to great heights and jump around, which can often end in a crashing fall that causes an injury. Detecting that your cat has been harmed, taking it to the veterinarian and treating it during recovery is important to ensure your well-being. That's why in .com we explain some symptoms that reveal that it is possible that your cat has been harmed, along with key recommendations so you can learn how to care for a fractured cat .

Steps to follow:


Unless you witness the moment when your cat falls and gets hurt, most of the time it can be difficult to determine that the animal is injured without paying attention to certain signs, so it is important to observe the behavior of the cat.

The symptoms of your cat having fractured, or having a significant injury to its leg are:

  • Lameness or difficulty walking.
  • Very acute and frequent meows.
  • Inflammation in the affected leg
  • Apathy and lack of appetite.
  • It is possible that the animal hides for fear of being examined.
  • If the fractured bone breaks the skin, you will see a fairly obvious leg injury.

It is important that if you detect one or more of these symptoms, take your cat immediately to the veterinarian, only a professional can examine your pet and determine if it has a fracture.


When an animal has this type of injury it is important to provide more attention, so the first step to care for a fractured cat is to give all the love and pampering it may require for a speedy recovery. Do not forget that your cat has a link with you and that he will feel much more comforted if he notices that you care for him and that they are there to support him.


If your bed is in a high space it will be necessary to lower it to ground level so that the animal can reach it without difficulty. In the event that it costs even to enter the structure that serves as a bed, it is best to remove the mattress and place it near the space in which it is usually so that the cat can rest comfortably .

It is recommended that the area where you are going to place the bed is quiet, with a comfortable and comfortable temperature so that the animal can rest, because it requires a lot of rest to recover.


It is also important that your food, water and sandpit are not too far from the place where the animal rests, especially if you have a hard time walking. Although it is not recommended that everything be together in the same area, it will be important that they are not in opposite or very distant points.

In addition, it will be necessary to watch your cat and make sure that he does not scratch or that he does not try to remove the plaster or splint that the veterinarian has given him. If you do you can reinforce the area with an extra bandage to make it much more difficult, if you insist consult the specialist to know some methods that prevent you from following him trying.


When caring for a fractured cat it is essential to give the animal all the medication indicated by the veterinarian at the appropriate time. Analgesics and anti-inflammatories will make your pet feel less uncomfortable, promoting recovery. Following the treatment to the end is very important for your well-being.