How to get my post to have more visits

If you have a blog and you're tired of being read only by your friends, you have to know that there are a series of guidelines for your content to reach a larger audience and, in this way, increase visits to your blog and interaction with the users; In short, get more participation.

Do you want to know how to get your post to have more visits ? in .com we explain it step by step:

You will need to:
  • A computer with Internet access.
  • A blog
Steps to follow:


Shorten the URL with web pages such as; This will simplify the link of your post and make it easier to share.


Activate the mail subscription so that your readers can sign up to your web page; This way, every time you publish you will be notified with an e-mail: insured visits .


Use social networks to share your articles .


Monitors the theme: use twitter to find people who are talking about your topic and send them your link.


Post comments on other websites to get insured visits: includes the link to your post .


Send your article to your acquaintances and ask them to click on the Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter button.