What museums to visit in Madrid

There is no doubt that Madrid is a city invaded by art and culture, in it we have the privilege of visiting three of the most prestigious and recognized museums in the world that make up the so-called ' Triangle of Art ': El Prado, El Reina Sofía and the Thyssen-Bornemisza. So if you are going to be in the Spanish capital or have planned to visit it, remember that in addition to walking through its villages, parks and places of interest, you have a great cultural offer to enjoy in your free time. In this article we show you a selection of some museums in Madrid that you should visit.

National Museum of the Prado

We are in front of the most visited museum in Madrid and one of the most important art museums in the world . His collection includes the best works of European masters such as Velázquez, Goya, Ruben, El Bosco, El Greco or Titian. In the Prado you will have the opportunity to admire paintings that have marked the history of painting as 'Las Meninas' by Velázquez, 'Las Tres Gracias' by Rubens or 'La Maja Desnuda' by Goya. If you are passionate about art and do not want to miss anything, book one morning in your calendar to tour the rooms and see the most valuable works of this museum. The Museum itself offers visitors three tours depending on the time they have to see the collections, either one, two or three hours. In addition, you have the opportunity to enjoy free admission from Monday to Saturday from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm and Sundays and holidays from 5:00 pm to 7:00 p.m. Find beautiful and cozy Hotels near the Prado Museum.

Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum

The visit to the Reina Sofía Museum is obligatory if you are in Madrid. The Reina Sofía Museum is mainly dedicated to Spanish painting and sculpture of the 20th century, offering visitors an extensive collection of works by such important artists as Picasso, Dalí, Miró and Chillida. Among the paintings on display , Picasso's 'Guernica' stands out, the museum's most prestigious and recognized work. Its great extension makes the tourist dedicate several hours to the visit if you want to contemplate most of the exhibited works. You can take advantage of the free admission days that are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:00 p.m. and Sundays from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

Located in the Villahermosa Palace, the Thyssen Bornemisza Museum offers visitors a tour of the art of the main periods and schools of painting from the thirteenth to the twentieth century. The collection that houses is composed of works collected by the Thyssen-Bornemisza family over two generations and completes the collections of El Prado and El Reina Sofía. We highlight the works of illustrious painters such as Tiziano, Goya, Van Gogh, as well as other Flemish, Italian, Impressionist, Expressionist, Pointillist and Pop Art authors. To contemplate the permanent collections, you can now enjoy a free entry on Monday of 12: 00 to 16:00 h.

National Archaeological Museum

Another cultural gem of Madrid is the Archaeological Museum, in Calle de Serrano, which gives us the opportunity to learn about the history of the Iberian Peninsula from prehistory to the modern age with an exquisite collection of archaeological pieces . In its rooms we can discover the charm of the Lady of Elche and the Lady of Baza, the reproduction of the Caves of Altamira, Celtiberian jewels and other objects of civilizations such as the Egyptian, Greek or Etruscan.

wax Museum

Another museum that you can visit in Madrid is the Wax Museum . Entering the Wax Museum, located in the Paseo de Recoletos, is a very fun experience to get close to personalities, figures or fictional characters that have marked the course in a certain way of history, culture, sports, science, entertainment, etc. from Spain. We find prehistoric characters, philosophers, monarchs, politicians, well-known names in the world of sports and entertainment and even film and storytellers. Do not hesitate to visit and tour the museum's halls and take some photographs with famous and historical personalities.

Naval Museum

In the Paseo del Prado, we locate a Museum dedicated to collecting the naval history of Spain, also offering a tour of the marinas of other countries. In its rooms we discovered an important ethnographic collection composed of numismatics, decorations, paintings, cartography, artillery, submarine weapons, naval and scientific instruments ... a great exhibition that you can visit and admire for free.

Hotels and accommodation in Madrid

If you are going to make all these visits and other points of interest in the Spanish capital, we recommend a good selection of the cheapest hotels in Madrid . Make your search and choose the best accommodation.