How to avoid anxiety on the plane

If you are afraid of traveling by plane, if you think that during the flight you will have anxiety or panic, now you can avoid it. Fear on the plane is associated with danger for life. If you have symptoms such as tachycardia, dizziness, restlessness, sweating, tremors or even vomiting, follow these tips. In we teach you how to avoid anxiety on the plane so that you lose the fear of flying and enjoy the trip.

Steps to follow:


Identify fear It is necessary that you recognize your phobia or fear of flying, in this way it will be easier to know what the causes are and, therefore, to find a solution. The important thing is to reduce stress and anxiety on the plane.


Try not to take caffeine before the flight. Like alcohol, any beverage that contains caffeine can alter you even more. Remember: the body must adapt to the pressure change that occurs, so you must hydrate well - the best option is to drink water - and consume light food .



Learn everything that happens on the plane. To be aware that there is no danger, it is good to familiarize yourself with noises, lights or light blows. Thus, you will prevent your anxiety and panic from increasing when they occur.


Avoid thinking about what scares you . You can choose to take with you an image that relaxes you (family, friends, couple or even landscapes), that makes you feel comfortable and safe.


Distraction. Read a book you like, watch a television series or listen to your favorite music. In this way you will be able to occupy your mind and not notice your fears. You can also try to sleep during the trip.


If you need it, talk to the flight team . It is important that you feel comfortable, so if you consider it you can talk to the hostesses and calm your nerves. Nothing happens to say that you have panic to fly, the team will help you at all times.


Pay attention to safety information . You will feel better if you know all the methods and safety rules in case of accident.


Choose your seat in the back of the plane . It is proven that this is the safest part in case of an accident. This will reassure you.


Breathe deeply . Both before starting the flight and during it, try to hold your breath and breathe out deeply, especially if you notice that an episode of anxiety is going to occur. This will help relax your body . You can help yourself with a plastic bag.