How to remember the name of a person

We've all been talking to someone we've seen several times and, although it's not the first time, there's no way we can remember his name . Worst scenario is presented when in a labor meeting we must keep the name of a client, supplier or colleague and although previously said we do not remember. Having the ability to memorize names is important both on a personal and professional level, but are there tricks to get it? The answer is yes, that's why in .com we explain how to remember the name of a person effectively.

Steps to follow:


The first and most essential thing to be able to remember the name of a person is to know how to listen . Although it seems obvious if during the presentation you are talking to another or do not pay attention to the moment in which the person says his name, storing the data in your brain will be impossible and therefore you will not be able to remember it without having to go through the trance of asking to another what that person is called.

Whenever someone shows up, listen carefully to the name, and if you do not hear it because there is noise, interference or because the name sounds complicated, then kindly say "sorry I did not hear you, could you repeat your name?"


Once you have the data you must repeat it to reaffirm that name in your brain. There is a way to make it simple and natural, when the person shows up and says, for example, "Hi, I'm Carlos" you should say "Hi Carlos, I'm so fun".

This reaffirmation of the person's name not only allows you to confirm that you have understood well but also gives you the opportunity to repeat the data once again, helping to memorize it.


Now what happens when it comes to a name that sounds strange to us? This makes it even more difficult to memorize it but at the same time makes it more interesting. Suppose you know a girl named Vishnu, a proper name of Hinduism that corresponds to one of her gods. Possibly this name has nothing to do with you or your culture, perhaps you have never heard it before, so memorizing it will be difficult.

To do it the best thing is to immediately break the ice, repeat the name as we suggested in the previous step and then, if the opportunity allows, ask about the origin of the name and listen to the story. This data will allow you to create associations later to help you memorize it. If it is possible while the conversation lasts, but always in a natural way, mention the name a couple of times to try to memorize it better.


Once you have followed all the steps above, it is time to really memorize it so you can remember it whenever you see that person. In this case the most effective option is always to create associations between the name and another person or thing to get your memory to always locate it.

The easiest way to do this is to identify that name with another person or character we know who has the same name. For example, every time I meet an Antonio I think "he's called like my dad", the chances of forgetting him are nil. But on the other hand, when I tell someone my mother's name, Odette, knowing that it is less common for Spanish speakers, I offer people an alternative so they can remember that it works very well: "My mother is called Odette, like the one in Lake of the Swans ". Many people have managed to remember it by this simple fact.


To remember the name of a person you can establish all kinds of associations, however crazy they may seem, some of the most common are:

  • The name related to another person you already know, the easiest of all.
  • The name related to the protagonist of a movie, a play, a musical, a singer or a famous actor. For example Julia = Julia Roberts / Miguel = Miguel Bossé / Odette = The Swan Lake, etc.
  • Relate the name to a linked concept, for example Paloma = the dove of peace, Rosa = the flower of the lovers, etc.
  • One of the best and most effective associations is that of rhyme, because we can play with names that are strange to us and remember them. It does not matter that the rhyme does not have any kind of coherence, the important thing is to remember the name. For example, Vishnu = Tutu / Rogelio = elio / Camila = Manila


These are the best techniques to remember the name of a person effectively, applying them is almost certain that from now on you will not forget how someone is called again. We also give you other tips so that you can improve this technique in our articles how to exercise memory and how to increase memory and concentration.