How to apply the pomodoro technique

There are many concentration techniques to try to be a little more productive, both in the study and at work. However, there is one that stands out above all due to its great diffusion, the Pomodoro technique . It was raised by Francesco Cirillo at the end of the 80s, and the truth is that it gives excellent results. If you want to know more about this form of concentration, in this article we show you how to apply the Pomodoro technique in your work or study.

Steps to follow:


This technique uses the time to divide a job into 25-minute intervals . These intervals will be known to us from now on as pomodoros. The pomodoros will be separated from each other by pauses, in this way we will get our mind to rest and be able to better retain the information or be more concentrated to perform certain jobs.


To put this technique in motion, the first thing we must do is establish the tasks we want to do during the day. Occasionally, we will find that the tasks take more time than 25 minutes. Therefore, it is better to divide them into subtasks.


Once we have the established tasks we will put our clock in motion . We can use a normal clock or a kitchen timer. Also, if we work with the computer, we can download some web application to mark the times. There are many tools available on the network.


After putting the chronometer on, we forget about it and we start to perform the task. Slowly but surely. We will be focused on it until the clock sounds. We will write an X and we will pause for 5 minutes .


After scoring four Xs, which means that we will have made 4 pomodoros, we will take a much longer break of 20 minutes.


Although it seems absurd, the truth is that these types of techniques help us increase our productivity . Our mind, during the time it is concentrated, completely evades the possible distractions, because 25 minutes is not an excessive time. What's more, if we fail to escape from those misplaced, the technique will not be effective at all and we will have to look for another method.