How to make my iPhone 5 go faster

Knowing how to make iPhone 5 go faster will allow you to get even more out of Apple's powerful phone . The operating system of this smartphone is already optimized to work at maximum performance, but with a series of gestures you will get to optimize it even more. As you add applications and when free space begins to run short, it is possible that your iPhone 5 begins to slow down. In .com we explain a series of tips on how to make iPhone 5 go faster.

Steps to follow:


The first recommendation on how to make iPhone 5 go faster has to do with the storage of the smartphone . If you have it full, it is time to go saving your photos or videos on a computer or an external hard drive to release gigas on your mobile phone and prevent this from being a problem in the sense of slowing down the operation of the iPhone 5 If you go to Settings, General and Use, you can control how much space you have occupied your mobile and which programs are more space are using.


This other advice on how to make iPhone 5 go faster has to do with another completely different aspect: the Internet connection. This smartphone includes the concept of updates in the background, so that if you have activated the mobile will download the updates without you noticing, which could slow down the operation. You can change this setting in Settings, General, Update in the background. In any case, you will see that you have the option to discriminate between the different applications, so that you can allow only certain apps to be updated in this way.


Another configuration that you can modify to gain speed in your iPhone 5 is that of the automatic downloads of applications or books that you have bought in other devices with your Apple id. If you have activated the automatic downloads of Music, Applications, Books and Updates that you have made, for example, with your iPad, there will be times when the mobile is very slow. If you deactivate it, you can manually control when to make these downloads. You must go to Settings and iTunes Store and App Store to make the change.


As you know, one of the innovations of iOS7 operating system were the animations of the icons. It is a very attractive effect but it helps to reduce the speed of your mobile so that what you can do is disable these animations. To do this, you must go to Settings, General and Accessibility. There, you must activate the option to reduce movement. You should know that this function was somewhat controversial at the time because some users reported that it caused dizziness.


A good maintenance of the hardware of your mobile phone will also help you to make iPhone 5 go faster . So, it is important that you follow Apple's recommendations and do not submit it to very high temperatures, avoiding direct sunlight, for example, when you go to the beach. It is also convenient that you protect it in high humidity conditions, putting a protective cover.


In the event that your iPhone 5 is especially slow and none of the previous recommendations has made you gain speed, there is probably a problem with an application that you have installed. We recommend that you make backup copies, if you do not have them, and that you restore your mobile. Of course, you will lose all the images, music and settings and your mobile will be as newly purchased. If you do not know how to do it, you are interested in reading this article in which we explain how to restore an iPhone.