What is paternity leave?

Since 2007, a law came into force in our country whereby the father was granted a few days off for the birth of a child. This way you can dedicate some time to your partner and your newborn in the first days of life. Through the National Institute of Social Security, you must request this permission to be absent from the job this period. Do you know how to apply and how to process it? From .com we explain what is paternity leave.

Steps to follow:


Paternity leave is a right already recognized in our country for all men who are parents. These days have to be taken the same day the baby is born and you have to enjoy them all in a row.


This right is recognized among all men who are registered in the Social Security system . All the process will be done from the Human Resources Department of your company, they can inform you about what you need.


During these days, your salary will not change, it will remain the same, that is, 100% of the regulatory base is charged.


Paternity leave will vary depending on the number of children you have. It is established that for the large family, or for those families that are already considered numerous with the new member, the paternity leave is set at 20 days.


In order for the company to carry out all the relevant procedures, the worker must deliver the maternity report to the head of Human Resources and fill out the paternity permit that the same company will provide. It is advisable to request it in advance for the date to have everything prepared.


If you wish, the father can go to any Social Security office where he will be informed correctly about the current laws and all the procedures in this regard.

  • Process it in advance.
  • Get all the necessary information so there are no last minute problems.
  • Enjoy the maximum of this permission with the new family.