How much does it cost to divorce if a judge intervenes

The fees of a lawyer or the court fees that are paid are not always the same in divorces . It depends on whether the demand for divorce is presented by mutual agreement between the parties or, on the contrary, there is no agreement and the intervention of a judge is necessary to decide on the divorce regulatory agreement. This article analyzes the costs involved in filing a divorce petition in cases where a judge must intervene .


It is the divorce in which there is no agreement of the spouses to break the marriage bond. If agreement were reached, once the process started, it could be reconverted into divorce by mutual agreement through the contribution of the regulatory agreement signed by the parties.


As in the case of mutual agreement, 3 months have passed since the marriage was celebrated. The divorce petition will be presented by one of the spouses with the proposed measures or effects of the divorce proposed. There is no need to provide a regulatory agreement, since it will be the judge who, through the divorce decree, will fix the details of the situation in which each spouse will remain.


For all the processing of the procedure, incidents and excluded resources, it will be reduced according to what is established for the ordinary trial: € 1, 500 recommended.

This is the most expensive, long and complex divorce . This amount of € 1, 500 always adds other amounts for resources and other concepts that are necessary in the absence of agreement. In addition, we must bear in mind that in this type of divorce the parties each go with their lawyer and attorney.