How to process the Argentine DNI

Processing the DNI is a procedure by which every Argentine must pass from the moment of his birth, so it is very important to know all the steps to follow in the case of the first processing and successive renewals. To guide you and help you to achieve it successfully, in this article of .com we explain in detail how to process the Argentine DNI successfully .

DNI procedure for the newborn

It is the first identification that the citizen has at birth, the number that is given at the time of registration of the birth is unalterable and is the one that will accompany it throughout life. The document number is unique and irreplaceable. This first document is delivered immediately and is processed together with the child's annotation before the law at the offices of the Civil Registry or National Registry of Persons.

Requirements for Newborn ID:

  • Certificate of qualified medical professional of the Sanatorium or Hospital Unit to obtain the Birth Certificate, with this prerequisite the National Identity Document (DNI) is granted.

Other requirements:

Married parents : any of the spouses can register the birth, presenting:

1.- DNI, Civic Book (LC) or Enrollment Book (LE).

2. - Notebook or Marriage Certificate or Family Book.

3.- Birth Certificate.

Unmarried parents : both parents must register the birth, presenting:

1.- DNI, Civic Book (LC) or Enrollment Book (LE) of each one.

2.- Birth Certificate.

Step by Step Procedure:

  • Request the authorized medical certificate from the Sanatorium or Hospital Unit in the Sanatorium or Hospital Unit where the birth took place.
  • Obtain the Birth Certificate and process the DNI in the corresponding Civil Registry, or the Management and Participation Center (CGP), Community Participation Center (CPC), Citizen Participation Center (CPC) or in the office corresponding to the address of the parents or, in the Sanatorial or Hospital unit where the birth occurred, if it has this service.
  • Withdraw the DNI, it is obtained at the moment, along with the birth certificate.

The procedure must be carried out 40 days after birth. From the 41st day until the age of 8, you must complete the procedure for late registration of birth. The validity of the document is temporary, it is mandatory to update the ID when the child reaches school age (at 5 years and 8 years).

Procedure to renew the DNI at 8 years

It is the first update of the National Identity Document that must be made after the person reaches school age from 5 years old up to and including 8 years of age. There you will be taken a photograph and complete fingerprints, this represents a very important step in the life of any citizen as it guarantees the identity and protection provided by the National Constitution.


  • Birth certificate of the minor, with no more than six (6) months of issue. Photocopy (original and photocopy).
  • National Identity Document (DNI) of the minor.
  • DNI of the elder accompanying the minor.
  • In case the major is a guardian, the corresponding judicial record (Original).
  • Two photos of the minor updated 4 cm high by 4 cm wide, front with white background. The photo must be on photographic paper and not on computer paper.

The update of 5/8 years is done in the same DNI of the minor, in case the minor has ID card type "(old version) will be delivered a new type" notebook ".

For the case in which the real address differs from the one settled in the document object of the update, must present Certificate of Address, issued by competent police authority or proof that proof of address (ticket, gas, telephone, credit card summary to name of the father, mother or legal guardian).

These requirements are valid for RENAPER headquarters, civil registries, CPC or GPC may have different requirements, consult them.

Requirements in the direct dependencies of RENAPER :

  • Application for shift to process the document in person with the corresponding documentation.
  • Submit the Birth Certificate (in case of loss or need to update), it is processed in the Civil Registry where it was originally issued.
  • The minor holder of the DNI, accompanied by a father, mother or legal guardian, must present the required documents, in the corresponding office. There you will receive a proof of DNI in process, which includes the date and time slot in which you must withdraw your ID.
  • To withdraw the DNI, in the dependency where the procedure was initiated.

Procedure to renew the DNI at 14 years old

It is the second update of the National Identity Document that is made upon reaching 14 years of age. In it a new booklet is delivered, it complies with the electoral requirements (spaces to seal the stamps in the opportunities to vote), as well as other information that concerns the age of the citizen. This new DNI is generated at the same time that the National Electoral Chamber is notified to the effect that the citizen enters the Electoral Register automatically.

Requirements that must be presented for the update of the DNI at age 14:

  • Birth certificate of the citizen, with no more than six (6) months of issue, original and photocopy.
  • National Identity Document (DNI) above, in perfect conditions of conservation, with the update of the 8 years made.
  • Two updated photos of 4 cm high by 4 cm wide, ¾ right profile with a blue background. The photo must be on photographic paper and not on computer paper.

It is not necessary that the citizen who processes the DNI is accompanied by his parents, can attend alone. For the case in which the real address differs from the one settled in the document object of the update, must present Domicile Certificate, issued by competent police authority, or proof that proof of address (ticket, gas, telephone, credit card summary on behalf of the father, mother or legal guardian).

Step by step procedure to renew the DNI at 14 years old .

  • Application for shift to process the document in person with the corresponding documentation.
  • The holder of the DNI must present the required documents (see above). There you will receive a certificate of DNI in process, which includes the date and time in which you must withdraw it.
  • To withdraw the DNI, in the dependency where the procedure was initiated.