How to work in Norway

One of the countries with the lowest unemployment rate in the world is Norway . An ideal place to work with a high salary, in addition to learning languages, English and Norwegian. Thanks to the Schengen treaty it is possible to travel to Norway and stay there, you know how? In .com we explain it to you.

Steps to follow:


To begin, look for job offers in that country. Remember that you must know some English, it will be easier to find a job than a specific position in Spanish, although there may be something.


Find out on the Internet, embassy, ​​consulate or any specific place where they give you information about it. We advise you that it is a better way to enter the country and will help you start your life there, take work.


You must request your Tax Card before starting to work there. It is a tax card with which you will collect your salary. They will not pay you until you have it, but while they send it to you, you can work. Account that usually takes between 3-4 weeks.


On your card you must indicate the time you will work in that country and the approximate amount you will charge and depending on that, you will have to pay your taxes. No problem for the changes, you can change the figures.


Once you have everything processed, open a bank account . Everything is completely free, there you will not pay maintenance commission.


The taxes there are quite high, they go around the minimum in approximately 20%, but remember that the salaries are also higher than the Spanish.


The work carried out in Norway can be counted so that it can be added to that of Spain, either to receive unemployment or your retirement. To do this you must go to an office of the NAV, Norwegian Labor and Social Security Administration. From here you will process everything.

  • Be well informed of all your procedures in the corresponding agencies.
  • Take advantage of your stay to practice and perfect all possible languages.