How to pronounce la U French

The French u is one of the sounds typical of the French language that has more pronunciation difficulties for Spanish speakers since it is a vowel sound that does not exist in Spanish. However, if we want to speak good French, we must make an effort to pronounce the French letter well, since in French it is a very productive phoneme. A phoneme is a phonological unit that distinguishes different words of the same language, if we do not distinguish this phoneme as well as not speaking well we will generate communication problems with our interlocutors. To learn how to pronounce the French u correctly follow the following steps:

Steps to follow:


Put your mouth as if you were going to say a Spanish "U"


Then instead of saying an U pronounce an "I"


Practice with pairs of words in which the French U acts as a phoneme opposed to the Spanish U, which in French is normally written "OU": moût (wort) - mu (moved); but (goal, goal) - bout (final, background; doux (sweet, soft) - dû (due) ...


Many times, especially if we learn a foreign language of adults, we are unable to pronounce the phonemes of that language because we do not hear them. Also practice the distinctive listening of the French U with a native French who pronounces you these pairs of words.


You can also record yourself by pronouncing these pairs of words. This way you can check if you pronounce them and if you recognize them.

  • To pronounce the French U well, you can record it and you will hear it if you make mistakes.