How do you say mannequins or mannequins?

Mannequin or mannequins? It is likely that on more than one occasion you have questioned what is the correct way to say the plural of the word 'manikin', and that there are certain nouns and adjectives that accept the two forms interchangeably. That is why it is important to know the rules of formation of the plural appropriate to make a correct use of these terms and not make mistakes. Discover in the following article how it is said mannequin or mannequins.


In the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), we see that the term 'manikins' is correct to refer to the plural of 'mannequin' that is used under the meanings of "movable figure that can be placed in various attitudes. uses, and in the art of painting is especially useful for the study of clothing "and" frame in the form of human body, which is used to test, fix or display clothing. "


  • You have to dress the mannequins with autumn clothes for the new showcase.
  • You can look at the mannequins to have a good reference.


However, the form 'mannequins' is also correct to refer to the plural of 'mannequin'. This is due to the rules of plural formation that establish that the nouns ending in '-i' or '-u' tonic (where the force falls) usually admit two plural forms, one formed with '-es' ( mannequins) and another formed with '-s' (mannequins).

Therefore, we can conclude that both terms are correct to designate the plural of 'mannequin', although it is convenient to emphasize that in the cultured language the use of the form 'mannequins' is preferred.