Differences between UNED and UOC

It is clear that choosing a university is a very sensitive issue for students who decide to start their university studies . But when it comes to studying at a distance to be able to combine it with working life, or personal ... the thing gets a little more complicated. And although there is a lot of supply, inevitably the options are reduced and you have to know how to choose well to be able to study according to the needs that we have at that moment and the availability that we can offer to face-to-face tutoring, to go to physical centers, or if it is not necessary, etc.

Nowadays it is quite frequent that people who have chores in their life, and realize that they have time to train and want to do it, look for the measures to be able to carry it out. Normally they are adults to complete their training or to start it. There are many universities in our country that offer distance training (both public and private), although the most requested at present are still the UNED (National University of Distance Education) and UOC (Open University of Catalonia), since they are the first that come to mind when thinking about distance universities.

Between both

In both the price is somewhat high compared to public face-to-face universities, but nothing has to do with private universities that tend to be more expensive. Although at the UOC to get something cheaper you have to enroll in Catalan, if not, the price goes up a little.

There is an important difference of the UNED with the UOC and it is that in the UNED you have to attend face-to-face tutorials if you wish and in the UOC this option is not available, although it is true that you have the tutors and teachers online as long as the you need. In the UOC, as in the UNED, you have face-to-face locations where you can go to manage procedures.

The price is also different. The UNED comes out to a non-Catalan speaker 4 times cheaper.

Study and evaluation

In the UNED the exams are always face-to-face, and use a different method of study from the UOC, since in the latter there are several forms of evaluation, the continuous being the most demanded where following the syllabus that is taught in the subject, you have to Do work every week or every two weeks and once approved all, you would have the option to do a validation exam to pass the knowledge acquired in person or virtual (in the case that you reside abroad). In this same modality, if you do not approve the continuous assessment work, you have the right to take the final exam. Exam that also makes the people who choose not to do the evaluation continues and who prepare themselves. The validation test is short, lasting from half an hour to an hour, and the final exam usually lasts approximately two.

In the UNED there is also continuous assessment, but it is usually optional and serves to organize knowledge, and it is the teaching team who decides the form that will teach the subject, while the UOC is mandatory to present the practices of the works and normally all the subjects have the same focus of work and evaluation and it is the student who decides how to carry out their studies.