What is the function of hormones

Hormones are specialized substances which are secreted into the blood by cells that are located in glands lacking ducts (called endocrine), or epithelial cells, and whose purpose is to influence the functions of other cells. If you want to know more about how we work internally, in .com we will teach you what is the function of hormones and why certain effects occur in our body. Keep reading and, thus, you will know in depth the functioning of the human body and, also, why the hormonal disorder can affect us emotionally.

Types of hormones

Before knowing the functions of the hormones it is necessary to understand that there are two well differentiated types: on the one hand there are natural hormones but we can also receive certain treatments through synthetic hormones.

The production of hormones is not specific to humans, but is a characteristic of all multicellular organisms, as for example plants do with their production of phytohormones. These chemical messengers (as they are also called hormones) are part of the same group where we can include pheromones and neurotransmitters.

The diseases associated with hormones are studied by a branch of medicine known as endocrinology . The human body in particular is a producer of a large number of different hormones, each of them acting on different targets and causing various effects on the body.

How do hormones work?

When a change occurs in the body caused by different effects (such as changing temperature, light, atmospheric pressure or other internal changes), the nerves send a signal to our brain. Upon receiving these signals, the brain interprets and sends a new message to the endocrine gland or organ to release one or more hormones, which will reach the specific receptors found in the cells where they will act.

Among the most common functions that control hormones, effects such as:

  • Use and storage of energy
  • Control of the levels of substances in the blood (for example salt and sugar)
  • The total activity of certain organs
  • The development and growth
  • Sex characteristics and reproductive effects

Functions of hormones in the human body

There is a truly large amount of hormones in our body and, as we have said, each one produces a different effect. Among the most important we can recognize:

  • Progesterone: Specifies of women, is secreted by the ovaries and acts on the mammary glands and the uterus, taking care of regulating menstrual cycles.
  • Chorionic gonadotropin: This hormone is produced by the placenta, and acts on the gonads, its function is to help maintain pregnancy continuously.
  • Testosterone: This hormone is produced by the testes in males and in smaller quantities in the ovaries of females and also by the adrenal glands. This is the main cause of male sexual arousal. Its functions are growth, production of muscle mass and bone tissue, is responsible for the formation of the scrotum, the hair of the armpit and pubic hair, as well as being responsible for the modification of the voice (making it more serious in adolescence of males)
  • Insulin: This hormone is produced by the beta cells of Langenhans, its effect is general, causing an increase in the use of glucose (increased glucose metabolism) and reducing blood sugar.
  • Thyroxine: This hormone is produced by the thyroid and parathyroid glands, taking care of regulating the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus throughout the body in general.
  • Adrenaline: Also known as epinephrine, it is produced by the adrenal glands, is often associated with fight or flight reactions, and causes an increase in heart rate, constricts blood vessels and causes a state of high alertness and excitement.
  • Serotonin: It is a neurotransmitter hormone produced by the serotonergic neurons of the central nervous system, and also in enterochromaffin cells located in the gastrointestinal tract, its function being to control mood, appetite and sleep.
  • Dopamine: This hormone is a neurotransmitter produced in the hypothalamus, although it can also be produced artificially, its function is to increase heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Melatonin: According to it has been observed its production is generated by light stimuli that enter through the eye, when these are detected by the pineal gland. Currently, all the functions of this hormone are still being investigated, but some of the most common effects associated with it are the modulation of the immune system, its antioxidant effect and it is also a cause of sleep.
  • Somatotropin: Or as also known as growth hormone, is secreted by the anterior pituitary, causing its effects on the bones and muscles mainly, causing the stimulation of cell growth and mitosis (cell replication).
  • Secretin: This hormone acts on the pancreas and is secreted by the duodenal mucosa, being responsible for stimulating the secretion of pancreatic juices
  • Prolactin: Produced by the anterior pituitary and acting on the uterus, the breasts and the central nervous system, is responsible for the production of milk; besides the pleasure after sexual relations.
  • Oxytocin: This hormone is produced by the posterior pituitary, causing its effect on the breasts, the uterus and the vagina. This hormone performs different functions, is involved in the secretion of milk, is part of the causes of orgasm and is also present in reactions that cause confidence with people.
  • Leptin: Hormone produced by adipose tissue, its function is to decrease appetite and increase the rate of metabolism.
  • Orexin: The orexin is produced by the Hypothalamus, and fulfills the function of increasing energy expenditure and cause appetite.

As you can see so far, the functions of hormones are very varied and, depending on the hormone that acts and on which cells it does, there are short or long term effects on the organism, in a subtle way or sudden changes that do not are properly regulated or there is some type of alteration in their function can cause a variety of diseases or disorders.

If you notice that something is not right with your body, it is advisable to visit an endocrinologist, who will be able to determine which hormone is responsible for your condition and which is the most appropriate treatment to regulate its functioning and work normally.