How do you write zebra or zebra?

Writing well is a task that requires a lot of attention on our part, especially so as not to make mistakes in writing and / or spelling. However, we often have doubts about the correct way to write certain words, especially if they are terms that have fallen into disuse and have been included in the Spanish language with other writing. In this article we show you an example of this and we help you to solve the question of how to write zebra or zebra, pay attention!


The term 'zebra' written with 'c' at the beginning is registered in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), it is a feminine noun that expresses the following meaning:

  • "Animal solĂ­pedo of Southern Africa, similar to the ass, of yellowish white hair, with brown or black transversal lines. There are several species, and some of the size of the horse".
  • We also often use it in the expression "zebra crossing" to designate the "place where you can cross a street and where the pedestrian has a preference".


Zebras are mammals that belong to the group of herbivores.

Do not forget to cross by the zebra crossing when you go to buy the bread.

* Zebra

On the other hand, when we introduce the term 'zebra' written with 'z' at the beginning of the RAE, we find that it directly indicates that it is a disused word and that the correct form is 'zebra'.

Therefore, this means that the word 'zebra' is no longer used and that we should always write 'zebra' with 'c' at the beginning, as it is the right and correct term.