What to do when your boss humiliates you - writes in GoWork

Today, there are many jobs in which employees do not feel comfortable due to problems with colleagues or, worse, with the boss. If your boss does not value you as you deserve, there is a very effective way for you to give your opinion about your attitude with total freedom and without any fear. Your boss will never know that you have been you because your opinion will be totally anonymous.

This will help companies to improve the work environment and their employees can work at ease. How? Very simple: with GoWork. That is why in this article we will explain what to do when your boss humiliates you .

Do they humiliate you at work? - recognizes workplace harassment

Nowadays, not only is school bullying suffered. Mobbing or harassment at work can cause serious psychological problems to those who suffer from it. The stalker what is intended is to downgrade the person and make him lose his self-esteem so that he feels vulnerable and able to handle it at will.

Mobbing is usually verbal, psychological, so it is more difficult to prove and requires certain external tests such as recordings or witnesses . Examples of workplace harassment are many, not only based on insulting and shouting, but in ridiculing an idea or a job before the rest of colleagues, removing some degree of responsibility or obviating the successes obtained.

However, if the victim could say what he thinks and share the abuses suffered, his situation may change. If you think you may be suffering from workplace harassment, this other article about How to recognize the signs of workplace harassment may be useful.

What to do if your boss treats you badly

Ideally, bosses and employees can talk quietly about the situation of the company in which they work and be able to express themselves without any fear. The goal is to try to understand and iron out all those rough edges that exist between them. However, although this situation would be idyllic, it is not always so simple . Occasionally a worker may feel humiliated by a despotic boss, a situation that must be ended as soon as possible. However, keep in mind the following:

  • You are not the only one : normally, in situations like this, if we observe well we will see that we are not the only ones in the company that suffer such humiliations. This means that the problem is not in us, but in our boss. In addition, we must be aware that we are not alone and that in the world there are many people with experiences similar to yours.
  • The situation will make you stronger : keep in mind that everything is experience and that the experience will make you stronger than before. Sometimes it helps to think that it is not something personal and that it is even possible to learn from experience and realize that we do not deserve to be treated like this, neither at work nor in the personal sphere.
  • Seek moral and emotional support : sometimes, all we need is to feel that someone is on our side. Find a network or support platform to be able to vent and face the crisis you are going through. Getting in touch with other people who know you can be the key to stop hiding, turn the page and be able to renew professionally.
  • Do not shut up, denounce : we have to learn to set limits and value ourselves more. Therefore, if a situation becomes unbearable, do not shut up, do not hold and denounce the facts. For this, there are many platforms where you can do it anonymously and, thus, you can help more people who are going through your same situation. One of them is GoWork.

Employees have the right to express their feelings and to denounce a reality of vulnerability so that the necessary changes are carried out. Generating a pleasant environment in the workplace is essential to overcome the objectives and potentially improve the results. For more information, you can read this other article on How to act in the face of workplace harassment.

How to act when they humiliate you - denounce it in GoWork

There are more and more platforms on the Internet to express labor injustices. One of them is GoWork, a platform whose intention is to create a community between companies, educational centers and job seekers that serve to communicate with each other. The idea is to make the most of the potential offered by social networks to create enriching professional links between related sectors.

  • Publicly denounced : one of the most incredible functions of this portal is based on publicly denouncing the existence of certain irregularities or toxic situations that occur in the workplace. It is possible that some workers are having a hard time because of bad colleagues who prevent the task from developing normally. However, it is also possible to encounter certain abuses of power or authority, to the point of becoming a labor crime committed by the boss or employer.
  • Discrimination based on race, sex, religion or sexual orientation : within these problems, all kinds of issues that are normally very difficult to address, such as discrimination based on race, sex, religion or sexual orientation, can be considered. What you have to do is clearly state the problem to try to establish a solution. The opinions are totally anonymous so that the affected person does not look helpless and can express himself freely.
  • The company must take the next step : once the problem has been put on the table thanks to the help of this type of platform, now it is the company that has to take the next step. How? The best way is to analyze the causes that originated it and find answers and solutions.

This type of initiatives created in the network have extended their vision throughout the world. The purpose is to make dialogue a consistent and strong instrument to solve conflicts, not create them. That is one of its main objectives: to put an end to the worker's discomfort in order to continue forward in the search for the best job.

Now that you know what to do when your boss humiliates you, you may also be interested in this other article about how to report workplace harassment.