What to do if my cat climbs a tree

Cats are very naughty animals and, in addition, they have a unique skill that makes them unequaled: they can climb any space, impossible as it may seem. Therefore, many times these cute felines decide to climb the trees to spend the afternoon but the thing is complicated when you detect that the animal is taking too long to return home and begin to wonder if something has happened.

Some cats climb without problems to the trees but, afterwards, it costs a little more to go down, they can also be injured when climbing and now they find it difficult to get out of there so it is important that you watch your cat to help him In case you do not return home as usual. In this article we are going to tell you what to do if a cat climbs a tree so you know how to act in case the animal is a bit mischievous.

Steps to follow:


The first thing we have to do when we see that the animal is in the tree is to remain calm . Remember that, although you see that it is very high, for him it has not been anything complicated to go up there so relax and think it is your natural instinct, just is following your deepest impulses. If you get nervous, it can be counterproductive to solve this situation because you can get the animal to get more nervous and climb even higher. So calm down and keep your mind cold so you can begin to solve this situation.


To know what to do if a cat climbs a tree, it is important that you keep calm and, then, place yourself at the base of the tree and start calling the animal by its name or the way in which it can recognize you; Above all, you should inspire tranquility, no nerves or stress, otherwise the cat may climb or escape because of being too anxious. What we want to convey to you is that, down there, everything is fine, everything is calm and you can go down without any problem so to generate that feeling you must speak with love and a lot of patience.


In the event that the cat does not attend the call, you can try another idea that is to take a ladder and try to reach it. In this sense it is advisable that, before, verify that the height to which the feline is easy to reach with a ladder, otherwise, you will only frighten him and make him more nervous. But if you see that you can do it, we recommend that you place the ladder gently on the trunk and go up while talking to him; It will recognize your voice and it will stay still.

Keep in mind that the animal will be in the maximum state of alert, that is, it will be very nervous and irascible, therefore, if you are going to approach it or manage to catch it, do it with gloves and a thick shirt because it is possible that you scratch or you can bite but more for the accumulated tension than for anything else.


To get the animal to come down from the tree, in case none of the above has worked, a good idea is to put cans of your favorite food in the base because, although you are not hungry now, you will have it in a little while and that's when he will decide to go down. Yes, it is possible that other cats come to eat that delicacy so we recommend that you watch.

It is also a good option to put your toys at the base of the tree so that your cat can feel at home, relax and be able to get off without any problem. Creating an environment of tranquility and home is essential for the animal to come down from the branches.


If you see that you approach the animal, but it rises higher because it does not want you to reach it, then you must give up and leave it alone because it is feeling cornered and one possibility is that it chooses to jump into the void, something that can lead to serious injuries or even death.

Nor should you try to scare him by throwing objects against him because you are giving him the opposite information: he will believe that down there the terrain is hostile and, therefore, he will decide to stay longer in the tree.


Once you have managed to lower the animal from the tree, we will give you some advice so that you DO NOT do it again. For example, a good idea is to cover the trunk with aluminum foil beginning with the area where the cat has more accessibility to climb; think that the texture of this paper is unpleasant for the cat and, in addition, the surface becomes slippery and impossible to climb. If you do not have silver paper you can also opt for transparent film because it also gets that sliding effect that will prevent the cat from continuing to climb.

Anyway, in this other article we give you advice that will help you to prevent a cat from escaping and, thus, make your coexistence calm and prosperous for both.