How to be a good co-worker

When we enter the world of work, whether you want it or not, it begins to occupy an important space in our lives, and that is the office where we spend a good number of hours a day, for that reason the links and relationships that we develop within from that environment they can get out of there and mix easily with the staff. That is why it is important to try to become a work colleague that others can respect and admire professionally and personally, that is why in .com we give you some tools so that you know how to be a good work colleague

Steps to follow:


Being a good work colleague is often associated with professionalism, it is not about defending tooth and nail who makes mistakes, or being in Robin Hood office, it is about having a respectful attitude towards your colleagues and with yourself


Regardless of how good you are in a job or task, try to maintain humility and be willing to share your knowledge with someone who may need it within the company


Control stress and anxiety and try, even in times of crisis, to maintain serenity. This is a quality that not only denotes professionalism, but it works like a domino effect, if someone on the team is measured and controlled the others will get infected with that attitude


Be consistent between what you say and what you do, this also shows that you are a sincere person, and even in the workplace, which sometimes seems more a battle than anything else, honesty is valued


Learn to communicate and say what you think without talking behind the back of others. As much as everyone does, a good coworker is not afraid to tell another what he thinks, with education and respect, this is much better than talking in the corridors quietly, and the other will thank you


Take on your responsibilities without blaming your team, your boss or the company. Things as they are, there will be situations that escape your personal responsibility, but when it is not, accept your mistakes with courage, others will know and appreciate your maturity and professionalism


Try to be positive, see the good side of things, give constructive opinions and take some aspects with a sense of humor. A team appreciates a member of this type, who tries to see the glass half full, without forgetting the negative but highlighting the good


Be patient and tolerant and learn to open up to positions and opinions different from yours, respect the other even when you do not agree with their approach. It is also important that your colleagues see you as accessible, with whom they can talk and share


It has been repeated in several suggestions, but it does not hurt to express it more directly: if you want to be a good work partner, respect the other, consider and understand your position even when you do not agree with it, this is vital to generate empathy and a harmonious work environment

  • Do not forget that much of your day is spent in the office, so it is important to create a harmonious and pleasant work environment