How to know if you need to change jobs

Feeling the desire or the urge to change jobs does not have as much to do with the time we have to carry out a job, but with the conditions of the job, with the work environment and with your personal expectations, but is the time right ? What signals should I pay attention to? How to know if I need to change jobs? . In .com we give you the keys to answer your questions

Steps to follow:


You feel that your work has become a monotonous experience in which you do not face any type of professional challenge


You feel that there is no professional growth, that the process of taking on new tasks, of applying to other positions or of obtaining new work experiences is completely frozen and without a view to changing status


Your opinions and ideas are not valued by your superiors or your co-workers, a situation that does not allow you to implement new tools or change processes in order to make the job more enriching


By placing things on a scale you feel that you are unbalanced : on the one hand overwork, stress, anxiety, pressure and wear, on the other little learning, discomfort, constant fatigue and dissatisfaction. If the work you have does not fill you up or makes you happy maybe it's time to change


You are sullen, bitter, unfriendly and hostile in your work environment, you do not accept anything positive, you feel negative before the new procedures and you complain constantly, this is a clear sign that you are not happy and comfortable, and this attitude hurts everyone, so maybe it's time to look for a new job


The mere idea of ​​going to work makes you sick, it generates anxiety and discomfort, this is an unequivocal sign that something is not right, because although there is no perfect job is not healthy or normal to feel an aversion to our work


In conclusion, most of the time you feel bad being where you are, you do not feel comfortable neither personally nor professionally, if the answer is yes it may be time to move to a new stage in another company

  • If you have detected these signs in your behavior it is important that you evaluate the possibility of looking for a new job, because finally feeling uncomfortable at work affects you and others
  • Do not profess that philosophy that all jobs are bad, if this is your way of looking at work it is convenient to analyze yourself to detect why