How to repair car scratches

An error in the parking maneuver, a small accident or simply an anonymous 'friend' sometimes leave us with a scratch on the car that, thanks to some products on the market, we can fix ourselves. In .com we explain how to repair car scratches.

You will need to:
  • Cloth, water, paper, repairing paint, polishing paste.
Steps to follow:


First of all, we must carefully check the conditions of our insurance . The policies at all risk include this type of repairs, with what we can save this work.


If this is not the case, we prepare for the task. The first thing we have to do is to clean the area of ​​the scratch well. A cloth soaked in water will suffice.


Next, we will have to fix the repairer of paint that we can find in any specialized workshop. Obviously, it should be the same color as our car. We will shake it well so that the paint is in optimal conditions before applying it.


Unscrew the lid and, on a piece of paper, let the first drop fall. Next, apply with firm stroke on the rayon, trying that the applicator is in vertical position, to avoid that we remain without painting during the application.


Now touch the step of letting the paint rest for 24 hours, preferably in a closed place but with good ventilation.


After the time, we will have to apply a polishing paste so that the area is ready. To do this, we will use a damp cloth and proceed by making light circles on the scratched surface.