Drinking games with cards

Are you among friends and want to have a fun time while you drink? The games to drink with letters are excellent for, in addition to drinking, laughing while you do it. But be careful, with some of them getting drunk is very easy!

Do you want to know the best games to drink with cards ? In the following article we give you all the options: with Spanish deck, poker deck, the game of the pyramid, the game of the circle ... Keep reading this article and we'll explain it to you!

Drinking games with Spanish cards

Card games are an excellent way to spend time entertaining with friends and another excuse to drink and have fun. Do you want to know the best games to drink with Spanish cards ? Here we explain them:

Game of major or minor

This is the first of the games with Spanish deck to drink. It's about taking a mallet, mixing them and flipping the first card. Then, with the participants seated in a circle, the first person is asked if he / she believes that the next letter that will be issued will be smaller, greater or equal to the number of the one that is already open.

If the person hits is the turn of the next player, who will be asked the same question and must respond. If he hits with the same, that is, he says that the number that will come out is the same and correct, they will drink all but the. The wheel will continue until someone fails, then, that person will have to drink.

Letter kiss game

Sitting in a circle, someone should take a letter and, with moist lips, stick the letter letter. From there he must hook that letter on the lips of the next player without using his hands, just as if he were going to kiss him with the letter in between. The wheel must be followed until someone drops the letter, then the two who are passing it should drink.

The lighter

This is a game that requires a minimum of players, at least 4, although if they are going to be more than 8 the best is to use 2 Spanish decks instead of 1. In addition to the deck (or decks) you will also need a lighter or some small object of elongated shape that can lie on its feet.

The dynamics of the game is very simple, but above all, it is very addictive and fun. You should all sit around the table and, in the center, place a lighter vertically. Afterwards, the cards will be dealt to the players until the deck is exhausted. It is important that nobody looks at the cards he has, all must be face down. From here, each player must do a lot with the cards that have been dealt, always face down, and leave it right in front of him. The game of the lighter is that, to the 3, all players must lift a letter and leave it on the table. In the event that 2 or more of the cards that are opened have the same number, the people who have lifted that card should take the lighter that is in the center of the table.

The player who, having taken a repeated number does not take the lighter, will take all the cards that are face up and will drink.

In addition to these games, you can try others like the one you prefer or the me never ever.

Drinking games with poker cards

Actually, almost any drinking game with cards that we see you explain in this article can be adapted to both the Spanish deck and the French deck. However, there are some that are specifically designed for each deck, so below we will explain two of the best games to drink with poker cards :


This game is very simple, in fact, you will only need 3 things: a deck of cards, enough alcohol and wanting to have fun. But how to play the allies? Very simple, there is going to be a person who will be the one to distribute while the rest of you are going to play. The figure of the dealer can take turns, in fact, the best thing is that each turn is made by a different person.

  • Then, the person who distributes must ask, one by one, if he thinks the letter that is going to draw the red or black . If he hits, he will send someone to drink, while if he fails, he will drink.
  • The next round should ask if you think the number that will come out is lower or higher than the previous card and the dynamics are the same; whoever guesses right orders to drink and who does not hit drink.
  • In the next round each player will already have 2 cards, so the question will be whether he thinks the value of the next card will be between the two he already has or if it is higher than the highest or lowest that the lowest . If it is correct, it sends drink and if it does not drink.
  • And finally the most complicated question arrives, what figure will the next letter be ? The answers can be diamonds, spades, clubs or hearts, if the person hits will be saved from drinking and everyone else should finish the glass, while if it fails only he will drink it.

Policeman's game to drink

The fun of this game is that it can be done all night long, while partying or doing other things. However, we recommend that you focus on that, together and in a circle. The game is very simple, but it can bring great laughter nights.

You have to take as many cards from the deck as players are going to participate in the game, but there must always be a King and an Ace. The rest of the cards will be normal numbers. All the cards will be dealt among all the players and, depending on the card that each one will play, one role or another will be assigned :

  • Rey : it will be the policeman.
  • As : drug dealer.
  • The rest : will be the spectators.

The aim of the police will be to guess who is the trafficker, while the trafficker will be doing business with the other players. To do business, the dealer must wink discreetly at a player so that the policeman does not notice. Then, the player who has received the wink should say "The agreement has been made".

The policeman must identify and guess who he thinks the trafficker is. If you make a mistake, you must drink as many times as you put that person's card and re-elect a player, while if it is correct you must be the trafficker who drinks it.

Card games to drink: the circle or the ring

The game of the circle or the ring is one of the most popular card games to drink. There are many variations and different ways of playing, but that is the grace, that everyone does it in their own way in the way that is most fun. Be that as it may, it is one of the most popular games to get drunk all over the world.

To play you are simply going to need a deck of cards - removing the wild cards -, glasses full of drink and an empty glass that will go to the center of the table. It is a game that is much more fun the more people there are, that is why the minimum number of people so that they can have a certain dynamic should be 8.

You should all sit around the table, with each one's glass in front and the empty glass in the center. From there, someone should distribute the cards of the deck around the empty glass forming a circle and fill the glasses of each one. The game tries that, in order, each one uncovers a card and, depending on the card that comes out, they must do one thing or another. Here we explain what you should do depending on the letter that comes out :

  • Thus : when the Ace comes out, the person who has taken it out, should start drinking, when he starts drinking, the person on his side should do the same and so on until everyone has finished his glass.
  • Two : the person who draws the letter will choose who they want to drink.
  • Three : the person who draws the letter will be the one who has to drink.
  • Four : all girls who are playing should drink.
  • Five : the person who takes it out, at some point in the game you must put your thumb on the table and keep it there. When doing this, the players must be vigilant to imitate it and the last one who puts it will drink.
  • Six : all the boys who are playing should drink.
  • Seven : the person who draws the seven must raise his hand, the last of the table that does drink, and if he is the one who has drawn the letter will drink double.
  • Eight : the person who draws the eight will choose a person who will drink every time he has to do it. For example, if a chicha rolls the eight and chooses a boy, when the number 4 comes out (the girls drink) he will also have to drink.
  • Nine : the person who draws the letter will choose a word and, in a clockwise sense, everyone should say another word that rhymes. The first will drink, make a mistake, keep quiet or repeat a word that has already been said.
  • Ten : the person who draws this letter will have to choose a topic or a concept and the others should make a list of things related to that topic or concept. For example, the person chooses "clothing brands", and everyone should go by saying names of clothing brands until someone is silent, wrong or repeat.
  • Jack : the person who takes the J should set a standard and everyone should follow it if they do not want to drink. This rule will be valid until the game is over. Some example of rules can be: you can only take the glass with the left, you can not say the word YES, and so on.
  • Queen : until the queen comes out again, no one can look, speak or answer this player. If someone does, he will drink.
  • King : every time someone removes the king, he must put his drink in the glass in the center. The fact is that there are only 4 kings and, when a person takes the last one, they should drink that arm.

Card game to drink: the pyramid

Definitely that of the pyramid is one of the best known games to get drunk with cards. As with the previous game, there are also many variations of the game of the pyramid, however, below we will talk about one of the most played in the world.

How is the game of the pyramid to drink ? Here we explain it to you:

After shuffling, you will have to deal two cards for each player and then form the pyramid with the cards on the table:

  • We make a row of 7 cards placed face down.
  • Above this row we place another of 6 cards face down.
  • Above the row of 6 another row of 5.
  • Above the 5 a row of 4 letters.
  • We are making lines until only 1 letter is left crowning the pyramid.

If there are cards left over, they must be distributed among all the players so that they all have the same number of cards. Here's how to play and what each pyramid serves:

  • The first row of 7 cards will send 1 to drink.
  • The second row of 6 cards will send 2 to drink.
  • The third row of 5 cards will send 3 to drink.
  • The fourth row of 4 cards will send 4 to drink.
  • Successively, each row that we go up will increase 1 the number of times that you order to drink.

When everything is ready, the first card of the row of 7 cards will be raised and if someone has a card that matches the number of that card you can send 1 person to drink. As you go up the line, when someone sends you to drink you can do it more times and you can distribute it in any way you want. For example, if you can send to drink 3 times you can send everything to one person or distribute it among others.

Now, the fun of the game is that everyone's cards are face down and only that person knows the cards he has. So, if you open a letter with a 3, even if you do not have it, you can make others believe that it does . That is why when someone orders to drink, the person who has to drink can choose to believe that he has the number (and drink) or not believe it and force him to lift that letter. If that person does not have the letter, he must drink double, whereas if he did have the letter, he must drink double.

So it is not a simple game of drinking and chance, but strategy influences. You must count the cards they see appearing to know if they are cheating or not, in addition, you must try to make allies and not create enemies so that they do not send you to drink each round.