How to organize a party for children of 5, 6 and 7 years

We are going to organize a birthday party for our six-year-old daughter or son, sometimes it is more complicated than it seems, because the children would like to invite everyone in the class, and that obviously is not always possible. This children's party should consist of inviting a few friends. Prepare a cheerful and striking table and invest in the birthday celebration much more imagination than money.

Steps to follow:


For the decoration of the table we can choose between a cloth tablecloth, if possible a cheerful and somewhat striking color, and a paper one, with matching plates and glasses. In a children's party it is much more practical and decorative to use tablecloths and paper napkins that are more fun. And we avoid having to wash and iron a tablecloth and napkins that, we can be sure, will not be very clean. As for the table service, we also save the washing and avoid the risk of breaking glasses and cut with them.


We can decorate the party for children of 5, 6 and 7 years with a piñata, it is something that excites children, streamers, balloons, garlands of paper, hat. All this is more important than the snack, whose main course will be the cake that we ourselves can prepare perfectly. This cake will have an allusive decoration to the party, and of course, its corresponding candles. In addition to the cake, we will put very simple things for a snack. It is not necessary to spend much to know the taste of the children at the time of eating.


Something that never goes out of style are the well-organized games with symbolic prizes for the winners. For this entertainment we must have everything prepared in advance, starting with the organizer that can be the mother or some young girl friend of the family. There are many fun games that do not require electronic or audiovisual systems or anything similar. Games that our grandparents already knew and that children still like the same as the first day.


We have to leave the room as clear as possible for the children's party and, of course, without any adornment. Let's think that in this room they will run and jump until they turn it into a gym. The games will occupy the first hour of the party. The snack with his piñata and his gifts, the other hour and peak. In the end, if the party lasts longer to put a movie or a video for children.


What do we do with the gifts that the children bring? When children enter the party with their gifts, the child who celebrates his birthday must open them and say thank you. If the guest is accompanied by his mother, he should thank her too. When the gifts that are brought are opened, the mother or father must be present. The mother or father must keep the gifts the child is receiving, otherwise there is a danger that other children will break them.


Finally, I do not want to stop saying that I think it is a mistake for the mothers of the invited children to stay at the party, unless they are close friends of the mother of the honoree and she asks her to do so. I think that at this children's birthday party, any hostess will be calmer entertaining their little guests, without having to worry about their parents. The case of a party to celebrate the first or second birthday is very different. At these parties, all the parents of the invited children, between one and three years old, are friends of the hosts since a child of that age is totally without friends. Celebrating a first birthday is often an excuse to gather a group of young moms.


If your children are younger, check out this other article on how to organize a party for 3 and 4 year olds.

  • The gifts of a party for children of 5, 6 and 7 years have to be small details of little value. It is a big mistake and a pedagogical mistake to think that we make children happier if we gorge them with expensive gifts.