How to organize Christmas dinner

If this year you have had to organize the Christmas dinner sure that you are now thinking about how to do it so that the result is magical and triumphs among your guests. The Christmas dinner not only consists of a delicious Christmas menu but also must be enlivened with a specific decoration, some original gifts and distractions that please your family.

Here we tell you how to organize the Christmas dinner so that you can take into account all the details of this celebration and get to be the queen of the party.

Decorate your house for Christmas

If you want to know how to organize a Christmas dinner, the first thing is to prepare your house for these important dates. To do this, you must fill it with Christmas decorations that present the spirit of this era and whose preparation can be very fun.

The first and fundamental is to put a Christmas tree in some corner of the house. If you prefer to do it with original materials, you can make a Christmas tree with magazines or cardboard. This tree should decorate it with garlands, stars or different decorative elements: in this article we give you ideas to decorate the Christmas tree.

However, not only is it enough to put a Christmas tree to make your home Christmas: it is important to take into account all the details, for example, put candles in some corners, put LED lights to illuminate your spaces or place mistletoes distributed by the table. In this article we tell you how to decorate the house at Christmas where you can find different ideas for this celebration.

The Christmas menu

One of the most important aspects to take into account to organize a Christmas dinner is the menu of your choice. To surprise your guests with an exquisite menu you can make both the traditional dishes of these dates and innovate with different and delicious recipes.

The Christmas menu usually begins with Christmas canapés, such as some dates with bacon or some fun snowmen made with mozzarella.

As a first course you can not miss the Christmas broth, a delicious dish that surely all your guests expect to take; In this article we tell you how to prepare the Christmas soup. First you can also prepare healthy salads perfect for these dates, for example you can try the salad with prawns and a salad with orange, they are delicious!

As a second course, it is traditional to make stuffed chicken, a delicious and perfect dish for these important dates. If you do not know how to prepare it, in this article we tell you how to make stuffed chicken. Another traditional dish for Christmas is baked pork or Christmas ham, to suck your fingers!

But if you prefer a fish or seafood dish, you can opt for delicious Christmas recipes such as clams cava, stuffed squid or grilled prawns.

The icing on the cake are the Christmas desserts that both children and adults will like. In this article we give you some Christmas dessert recipes where you will learn how to make nougat, marzipan or polvorones. But if the dinner is going to be full of children, it's best to think of special recipes for them, so we give you some ideas on how to make Santa's cookies, gingerbread cookies or star-shaped cookies, they will love it !

Enliven the Christmas dinner

To organize a memorable Christmas dinner, you must take into account the small details: for example, you can liven up your dinner with a selection of perfect Christmas music for the moment; If you do not know what kind of music to play, in this article we show you the best music for Christmas.

You can also organize a marathon of Christmas movies that you can enjoy after dinner: movies like Just at home, Elf, How beautiful it is to live! or Polar Express are suitable for these dates. Here we give you the best Christmas movies to inspire you when preparing your movie marathon.

Another idea you can do at Christmas is to organize an invisible friend, a gift of anonymous gifts where the secret lies in not revealing who gives to whom. It is a very fun practice that will liven up your Christmas dinner and turn it into a unique and unforgettable event.

An incredible idea that will surely delight the little ones in your house is to contact Santa and have him come to your house. He can also be in charge of distributing the Christmas gifts to make the magic of these dates unmatched; In this article we tell you how to organize the visit of Santa Claus this Christmas.

The Christmas gifts

Knowing how to organize a Christmas dinner is also knowing how to choose the gifts of this unforgettable night. It is not enough to go to the first store and buy anything: at Christmas, gifts are very important, so we must pay special attention.

For example, you can give free rein to your imagination and choose this year to make homemade gifts at Christmas, you can also be very original and personalize the Christmas gifts by giving away, for example, cups with photographs, shirts with personal messages and so on.

If you have children, it is best that you choose to give them the toys they prefer: Barbies or fashion games are the most suitable for these dates. In this article we give you some ideas to give to children at Christmas.

But it is not enough to just hit the gift itself: at Christmas it is also important to hide the gifts well and achieve, thus, that Christmas magic reaches unimaginable heights. Here you will know how to hide Christmas gifts well.