What do I do if my child is bullied

Bullying, more popularly known as bullying, should never be treated as a minor issue. If our child is in these circumstances, we must act quickly but be cautious, so that the measures we take affect the child only positively and do not contribute to increase their suffering. In .com we offer some guidelines that answer the question of what I do if my child is bullied.

Steps to follow:


The first thing you have to do before a suspicion of this type is to confirm that you are effectively facing a case of bullying about your child or, simply, it is a punctual situation that the child has fought with some classmates and is going wrong If it were the latter case, you should act merely as an observer and let the children solve it among themselves. In any case, we recommend that you read this article that will help you discard or confirm that your child is being bullied .


If, unfortunately, you are facing a case of school harassment about your child, you must act quickly. The first thing is to go and talk with the heads of the school, not only with your child's teachers, but also with the director or head of studies, who may have information about the alleged harassers that the teacher does not know.


It is also advisable that you communicate the situation to the center's parent association (AMPA), since some may not have been as observant as you and may not have realized that their children are or have been victims of bullying and, When you inform yourself of your case, they may give sense to strange behaviors of your children.


In principle, it is not advisable to contact the parents or guardians of your child's alleged bullies directly. The natural reaction of them will be to defend their own children, so there could be situations of tension . It is preferable that teachers or school officials are those who inform parents of what is happening.


If you see that the school does not take measures before the bullying that your child is suffering, do not hesitate, go to the police to report what happens. The suffering of children can not be underestimated and you should avoid that your child can fall into a depression with consequences that can be dramatic. In addition, you will also do the small aggressors a favor. By putting the focus on them, you may provoke measures to reeducate them and prevent them from becoming delinquent adults.


As for your child, make him / her understand that he or she is not to blame for what happened, as many children tend to blame themselves when they suffer bullying . If the answer of the school is good, do not take it to another school, to avoid changes that can mark it. Try to analyze the reason why your child has been a victim of bullying. Maybe you should try to strengthen your self-esteem, both correcting your attitude towards him in case you are very demanding, as well as promoting extracurricular activities or sports that are to your liking.


In any case, if the situation exceeds you, it is advisable that you go with your child to a psychologist specialized in children or in cases of bullying . Going to an association of affected people can also give you guidelines on how to overcome the situation that you have just experienced in the family.