What should my baby do after two months?

In the second month of life your baby begins to relate much more to the environment, continues to manifest when something annoys or irritates but now also begins to show pleasure reactions to stimuli or situations that please. These and other important changes are shown from the fifth week, so in .com we give you the keys so you know what your baby should do after two months

Steps to follow:


The sleep patterns begin to change, the baby can sleep for seven hours straight, however some have the tendency to sleep more at night than in the day, so you should wake up after four hours a day followed by a nap


He already laughs and some reactions allow us to know when he is feeling pleasure, parents can give a space for the game on a daily basis and the interaction will be much more evident than in the first month


The coordination increases and your movements have more harmony, start to control your limbs better


The view is better coordinated with the ear, so when you hear something that captures your attention, try to locate it with your eyes. The same happens with the suction, when seeing the breast of mom or the bottle already knows what to do


They begin to awaken the senses, for that reason they no longer only look at what is in their field but they can also follow the object as it moves. The sounds are a discovery, even the own ones, reason why it remains attentive to everything what happens


Suctioning is his way of feeding and he knows it, so this instinct is further developed and by better coordinating the movements he manages to take the little hand to his mouth and suck his fingers, something typical of this stage


The stimulation through dialogue and music continues to be favorable, as well as the walks at home so that the child begins to relate to the physical space