How much a baby should weigh at birth

The birth of a baby is a happy event that greatly changes family dynamics. The parents are torn between joy and nervousness, worrying about the well-being of the fetus from the moment of pregnancy, so it is not surprising that many want to know every detail of the child's birth. One of the most frequent questions is how much a baby should weigh at birth, a signal that will indicate to a large extent if he is strong and healthy. To get rid of doubts, in .com we explain it in detail in this article.

Fetal Percentiles

For couples expecting a baby it is likely that the term fetal percentiles is not entirely foreign. It is about the ranges with respect to measure and weight that is considered normal for the fetus depending on the week of gestation in which it is. This allows obstetricians to calculate whether the child has a standard size and weight or whether it is a very small or very large baby. It is on the basis of these data that the normal weight of the baby at birth can be determined approximately.

Weight of a baby at birth

The weight of a baby at birth ranges between 2.50 and 4 kilos, being around 3 kilos the most common. However, it is important to be clear that the weight of the child at birth will depend on various factors, including the weight of the mother at the time of becoming pregnant and the increase during pregnancy.

According to the fetal percentiles, these are the usual ranges in the last weeks of gestation:

  • 37 weeks: measure 48.6 centimeters and weight 2, 860 kilos
  • 38 weeks: measure 49.8 centimeters and weight 3, 083 kilograms
  • 39 weeks: measure 50.7 centimeters and weight 3, 288 kilos
  • 40 weeks: measure 51.2 centimeters and weight 3, 462 kilos

What factors influence the birth weight of the baby?

Different conditions can affect the weight of the baby at birth, among the most prominent are:

  • The height of the parents.
  • The initial weight of the mother when she became pregnant, that is, if she was very thin, normal or overweight.
  • The weight that the mother acquires during pregnancy, if it stays low, normal or if the mother gets very fat during pregnancy.
  • Nutrition during pregnancy, mothers with precarious nutrition tend to give birth to babies with low weight, while those who gain a lot during pregnancy often give birth to heavier children.

If you go to appointments with your doctor on a regular basis, then there is no reason to worry about this aspect, because in any condition your specialist will inform you right away.