How much does it cost to adopt a child in Spain?

If you are thinking about adopting a child and want to know basic aspects about the operation of this process, in this article we detail information about the cost of adoptions and the different factors that can make the process more or less expensive. Depending on the country you want to have your child as well as other external factors, an adoption can cost from € 0 to € 20000. Keep reading and you will be able to know approximately how much it costs to adopt a child in Spain .

The cost of national adoptions

If you want to adopt a Spanish child, you must bear in mind that the greatest inconvenience of this type of adoption is not the price but the waiting time. A few years ago, couples who wanted to adopt a child in the country could see how the process lasted up to 9 years, so most people opted for international adoption, which, although more expensive, is much faster. Currently, the waiting time has been reduced to 4 years because there has been an increase in international adoptions, however, it is still a very long time for couples who want to start a family so the trend is going down.

The cost of adopting a Spanish child is free since there is no need for any of the intermediary bodies that are needed to do so at the international level. In addition, being the same country, social security and the state provides many aids to reduce costs and reduce to zero. Of course: if you live in Galicia and adopt a child from Andalusia, obviously, the cost of the trip will be at your expense but the expenses, as you see, are minimal.

To make a national adoption you will only have to request a criminal certificate whose cost is approximately 2 or 5 €, you will also need a medical certificate that is free, the birth certificate that has no cost and then ask for personal information such as payroll, the Income declaration, photocopies of the DNI etcetera.

The cost of international adoptions

Due to the long waiting lists that adoptions had in Spain, many couples chose to adopt a child from another country (more than 80% of the families that adopt do so internationally). Although the waiting time is much shorter (approximately 1 year), the cost of adoption varies considerably since it depends on multiple factors such as the following:

  • ECAI : are the entities that are responsible for carrying out all the bureaucratic procedures of international adoption. In addition, it is the agency that is also in charge of putting families in contact with the orphanages of the infant's country of origin. These agencies, of course, have a price to carry out the entire adoption process and be your point of reference to resolve questions and issues that have to do with the process. Depending on the country you want to adopt, the price of the ECAI varies considerably since its cost already includes travel, the need (or not) of a language translator, and so on.
  • TIPAI : all adoptions require a psychosocial study in which it is determined whether that person or couple is economically and psychologically capable of educating the child. If a person wishes, they can contract the TIPAI to choose the professionals who make the report themselves, but, whatever the case, the minimum cost of this service essential in adoptions is € 1000 .
  • Travel to the child's country : it is also one of the factors that can make an adoption more or less expensive. If you have chosen to make a free adoption, that is, without the involvement of the ECAI you should know that the price of your adoption will be increased depending on the country where you have to go to find the child as well as the number of trips you should do before taking your son home.
  • Price of the lawyer : if you have not hired an ECAI you must take into account that all the bureaucratic procedures are going to have to be carried by someone and the most appropriate person is always a lawyer.
  • Translator : if you are going to go to a country whose speech you do not understand, you should know that you will need a translator to be able to communicate with the staff of the orphanage as well as with the authorities of the country. If you hire an ECAI, this service is also covered, but if you go for free, you will have to do it to be able to adopt without problems.

To avoid so many formalities, most families choose to adopt a child through ECAIs in this way they agree on a stipulated price and they are in charge of managing everything; it is the easiest way to adopt a foreign child.

For the moment we have only indicated the standard price of the € 1000 that TIPAI costs, but how much does it cost to adopt? The price, as you have already seen, will vary a lot from the country of origin, from the trips that you should make and from the time that the adoption process lasts but in general you should know that an adoption of this type exceeds € 6000 .

To give you an idea of ​​the cost of adoptions in some countries, we leave you this table of approximate prices (keep in mind that the rates change annually):

  • Ethiopia: the price ranges 7, 000 €
  • China: around € 10, 000
  • Kenya: about € 15, 000
  • Russia: costs between € 18, 000 and € 30000 to adopt a child