How to avoid gas in infants

Do you want to help your baby avoid gas ? In the first months of life of your little one, the gases will be a problem and a constant annoyance, all the babies suffer from this condition and it is one of the disadvantages that you will have to learn to deal with. Generally, the nerves cause them to increase especially when they are eating and these discomforts can cause a long episode of crying. In this .com article we explain how to avoid gas in infants.

Steps to follow:


When a nursing baby has excess gas, you have to find out the cause of this discomfort. It is best to visit the specialist and provide some recommendations to prevent and relieve the annoying gas of your little one.

During the takings it is very normal for your baby to swallow air, but we must try to make it as little as possible. The way to avoid this is to give your breast or bottle with ease and without losing your nerves. If your baby does not want to take do not force the situation. When a baby wants to eat, he will let you know.


One of the fundamental keys to avoid gases, or at least facilitate their expulsion, is choosing the most appropriate position. One of the ideal positions is on the chest, besides being the most common way to hold a baby. You should support it on the chest and be almost upright, so your head will be at the height of your shoulder. It is advisable to accompany this pose with gentle tapping on the back to stimulate the exit of belching. You can also place a towel over your shoulder so as not to get your clothes dirty if your baby regurgitates, which is very normal.


Another of the most effective ways to expel and relieve gas is to put your baby upside down, you will have to hold the child lying down and resting on your arm. With the free hand you will have to pat him on his back to facilitate the release of air. It is a position that helps you because the belly of the baby is pressed against the arm that holds it, however it is very important that your head is always a little higher than the rest of your body.


To help your baby to expel the gases that accumulate can also place it on the legs . The body of your little one should put it in a pose similar to the previous one, but instead of holding it with the arm you should support it on your lap.

Once the child has grown a little, you can also sit him down and hold him in this position, with one hand you can hold his chin and with the other he gently taps his back to burp.


In general there is no rule that works for all cases, nor is there a rule about how often you should make your baby burp. It can be every 5 minutes, when you change breast, or every certain amount of milk if you use a bottle, but the most reliable thing is to do it when your little one feels upset or restless and you will notice that.

If you feel at ease, do not interrupt him to burp. Each child is a world and it will be the parents who know how often they will need to expel gas. Nor should you worry too much if you do not immediately hear the belching noise or if you do not notice it because it almost does not make any sound. Your child does not have to burp forever, once you eat, you can help him expel the gases for about 10 minutes and then let him rest.