What is the origin of Tuesday the 13th and its superstitions

In Greek, Spanish and Latin American societies, Tuesdays 13 are days of bad omen loaded with superstition . Although some do not realize this coincidence between the day of the week and the month, others will not do according to what things to get this date. Although there is no consensual scientific or religious theory, Tuesdays and thirteen have a symbolism around them. Although it should also be noted that in the Anglo-Saxon countries are Friday 13 the days that receive this connotation. Discover in this article what is the origin of Tuesday 13 and its superstitions.


Although the true origin of this superstition is unknown on Tuesday and thirteen, the truth is that it results from the union of two factors of ill omen . And it is said that "Mars" is, according to Greek mythology, the God of war, so that Tuesday is ruled by the red planet, that of destruction, blood and violence.

Likewise, the number 13 is the most unfortunate among others because it is the chapter of the Apocalypse corresponding to the antichrist and the day of the beast; At the Last Supper the attendees were 12 apostles and Jesus, who was subsequently crucified; in the tarot, corresponds to death, etc. There is even triscaidecaphobia, that is, the irrational fear of number 13 that some people suffer in the world.


There are many sayings and popular sentences that warn of the importance of not making decisions or performing important events on Tuesday 13.

  • "On Tuesday, you neither marry nor board."
  • "On Tuesday neither chicken eches, nor daughter cases".
  • "Mars or son cases, or pig matt."
  • "On Tuesdays, do not wear urdas or daughter, or take her to confession because they will not tell the truth."
  • "On Tuesday, your house does not move, nor your daughter, nor your clothes, tiles."

Superstitious facts

- It is said that on Tuesday the 13th you should not cut your nails or hair .

- Many planes do not have row 13 .

- Some buildings, such as hotels, go from floors 12 to 14.

- It should be noted that there are people who have been diagnosed with trezidavomartiofobia, that is, panic on Tuesday 13.

Friday the 13th

It should be noted that in the Nordic and Anglo-Saxon countries on Friday the 13th it acquires a superstitious character, supposedly because Christ was crucified that day. The phobia of these days is called friggatriscaidecafobia, total panic on Friday the 13th.