How to make a plan of extracurricular activities

In schools, institutes and other educational centers, there are always activities outside of the student's class schedule. These activities are known as extracurricular activities . Before the start of the course, the center's management team prepares a plan for the extra classes that can be offered to the students. In you we provide some guidelines to know how to organize a plan of extracurricular activities .


Extracurricular activities are usually regulated by the Ministry of Education of each Autonomous Community. It is fixed that the management team of the educational center is responsible for drawing up the plan of extracurricular activities and, according to the characteristics of the center, what activities may be offered. Extracurricular activities are all those educational activities carried out by students outside of school hours, therefore, participation in these is voluntary.


When preparing a plan for extracurricular activities, it is necessary to justify the reason why some activities are programmed and not others. Activities that serve to motivate students and that have a much more effective learning are generally programmed, since in most of the extracurricular activities they are inculcated with sportsmanship and discipline.

Type of activities

Once at this point, the center's managers should see what kind of extra-curricular activities they can offer their students and classify them as sports and leisure activities . From there, we must determine the number of students per activity, the place where the activities will be developed, the levels that will be incorporated into each of them and who will teach them.

Sport activities

The educational centers usually schedule various extracurricular activities of a sporting nature since it allows the children to lead a healthier life and de-stress from the daily routine. Among the activities that are usually offered include basketball, soccer, tennis, skating or karate.

Musical activities

Musical activities allow young people to develop skills such as coordination or sensitivity to music and everything that surrounds them. That is why in the schools musical activities are offered for children to learn to play an instrument or to develop their coordination capacity. These activities are usually guitar, song or dance.


Finally, there are centers in which the child's patience or tranquility is sought and they offer manual activities such as sewing, crochet, cross stitch or painting in order to relax the child from the daily grind. In addition, these courses are always taught the importance of recycling certain objects to create others.