What to do if my baby does not want a bottle

Growing up is not easy, neither for them nor for their parents, especially during the first months of life when your baby will have to face many changes that will sometimes make him feel different.

And one of the first situations that both will have to deal with is the step of suckling from Mama's breast to having to feed with a bottle, something that may not please the first few occasions, generating great stress for both of them, including, can make the little one stop feeding. If you're wondering what to do if my baby does not want the bottle, keep reading, because we'll give you some suggestions to address this situation as best as possible.

Steps to follow:


It is important to understand that both the texture offered by the bottle and the suction technique required to use it is different from what your baby has experienced with your breast, so at first you may find it difficult to get used to all this novelty. that can make him reject it. This situation is normal and there is nothing to fear, because it is important to take the time to make the child accept the bottle.

As this may take a few days, if you want to take the step because it is time to return to work, it is best to offer your baby bottle between 2 and 3 weeks before you re- enter your functions, so you will have time to try different strategies.


The little one should begin to familiarize himself with the bottle and the teat before using them, so let him play with her, explore and bite her, in this way he will feel comfortable going a little further and sucking. For the first contact, it is best to give the bottle at the end of the day, when you have fed it normally with your breast. You must fill it with very little breast milk, not more than 15 ml, and offer it to the baby, it distinguishes your smell and your milk so you can place a little of it in the nipple, this way you will encourage him to suck with the desire to find more.

It is recommended that you do not do it for the first time, because you will surely want the breast and not that object you do not know. Ideally, your father or someone you trust will do it for you, in this way you will avoid confusing the child and helping him to understand that they are two different ways of feeding.


If you see that with the teat that you give you can not suck, change it to a similar one to the one you have in the pacifier, of the same material so that the sensation is similar. Because with this confident type you will feel more familiar and at ease, you may try to suck. You can also warm the teat with warm water so that it reminds you of Mom's breast .

If it is a very small baby it is best to try a slow-flowing teat because conventional milk can release the milk very quickly making the child, who is not customary, choking and find it unpleasant.


Some babies may like to be fed with the bottle in the usual position they had to breastfeed, but others can be confused and irritated, so it is good to try different positions to find the one in which the child sucks without problem. You can sit on your lap with your back against you, sit in a chair and feed him or see how he reacts if you use the same posture as always.

In the same way, it is fundamental to try to give the milk at different temperatures to find the one you like the most. Do not take anything for granted, experiment with different options to identify the one that best suits your child.

Of course, it is important to avoid confusing it, so we recommend you:

  • Select a teat, a bottle, a posture and a temperature taking into account that everything is as similar as possible to your chest and the temperature of your milk.
  • Try to give the bottle, if you reject it and cry, calm it down and try again. Try up to three times in a row before giving up, but after the last time you refuse, wait at least 10 minutes to breastfeed, so you avoid your baby associating the rejection of the bottle with the reward of mom's tit.
  • One or two hours after breastfeeding, it offers the bottle again. It is important that the baby is awake and receptive but that he is not very hungry or his irritability will prevent him from trying something new.
  • If there is no way for the child to accept the bottle, before modifying any of the elements you should try for a few days, at least a couple, because if you change too often a bottle or technique will only confuse and frustrate the baby.


You should know that when it comes to moving from the breast to the bottle every child is different, therefore you must avoid blaming yourself, frustrating yourself or losing your patience . You have breast-fed your baby for a certain time and now it is time to move on to another stage, but the change must be gradual, full of love and patience so that neither of you will be frustrated.

Withdraw breast milk progressively, during the process it is important:

  • Do not lose patience or blame yourself "if I had done it that way" or "if I did not have to work". This does not solve the problem and only generates a negative emotional charge.
  • Be constant and patient, act intelligently following the suggestions in this article.
  • There are mothers who decide to wait until the baby is very hungry to give him a bottle thinking that they will accept it. This is a mistake because to begin with it does not always work and secondly it generates an atmosphere of hostility for the little one that can cause him to simply stop eating and become very irritable. You should try the bottle when the child is willing, active and in a good mood, not hungry and crying.

Keep in mind that there are babies who never accept a bottle because they simply do not like it. In this case, the best thing you can do is opt for a training cup or sippy cup, that is, the anti-spill cup used by babies and small children. You must accustom your baby to use it with the same technique as the bottle: hold it with your back straight, slightly tilt the glass and let a little milk come out, the child will taste it and immediately want to drink more. Unlike the teat the little one will not feel confused with the training cup because they are two completely different objects and in this case you do not have to suck, so many accept it without problem.

Remember also that from 6 months you can start giving porridge, which will complement your diet. If you have any doubt, consult your pediatrician who can advise you on everything you need.