What my baby should do at seven months of age

Throughout the third quarter of life, that is, between seven and nine months, we observe many changes in our baby. The first teeth appear, he will begin to crawl, a fact that will make him discover new corners of his house, and there are those who manage to take their first steps. In addition, the milk is slowly left behind to start the porridge. It is an important stage, so in .com we explain what your baby should do at seven months of age.

Steps to follow:


At the beginning, before starting the crawling, the babies manage to get up by helping themselves to some object and in this position they begin to wobble back and forth.


After a while, the child will be able to take his first step. But you may take the step sideways or backwards, even then it will not take long to correct your address.


On the other hand, other children sit or crawl with their ass on the floor and then go directly to the upright position.


He does not yet have defined laterality, that is, he uses both hands to manipulate.


Throughout the seventh month of life we also observe changes in his grip, since he takes things using his hand and also his fingers.


When they begin to crawl the world of discoveries of their environment begins, but on the other hand they fear to move away from the presence of their caretakers. This is when the adult has to come into play, letting the baby crawl to discover his surroundings but at the same time we must make him notice our presence so that he is sure of himself and has no fear.