Why reading is important in children

Reading is a very beneficial activity, which enriches our vocabulary and knowledge. However, encouraging them in children is an arduous task, because they are not used to it. Therefore, from .com we answer the question: why is reading important in children?, so that you know the reasons why it is beneficial for them to develop their mental abilities and become accustomed to studying.

Promotion of the father-son relationship

Learning to read is done at school and encouraged at home. In fact, parents are responsible for transmitting to your children the secrets that the universe of reading keeps. In addition, to dedicate a daily time to this activity together will be beneficial for you, because it is extremely gratifying moments, which increase the affectivity.

Habitúa the child to the text

The child who reads is accustomed to the book, ebook or tablet as a support dedicated to reading. In the same way, reading in your child helps you associate the texts with a certain meaning, which moves you to ask questions and make them to you. In this way, you will get your child to be attracted to read, something that you will appreciate when you grow up and going through the course at school, because it will help you to study autonomously. Discover more tips in the article How to encourage children's reading.

Increase the world of your child

Reading, either through writings or through the images that illustrate them, fosters your child's knowledge of the world. In this way, you will not only acquire information about the place where you live, but you will know yourself and help you to master your real environment.

Boost your mental capacity

Reading in children is very important to improve their mental abilities . In the first place, his memory, because he will be able to repeat those stories that he has read on his own. In the same way, reading enhances their language, since it expands their vocabulary.

In parallel, reading will enhance your child's capacity for abstraction . This is because children establish relationships with the objects they see in their real life and the representation offered by books, moving to a higher level of abstraction.

In the same way, the imagination of your child will also be increased through reading, since from the images and texts that reproduce the books your child will realize his own mental representation.