Is it bad if a baby does not crawl? - Here is the answer

There are many parents who worry when they see that their baby does not crawl or have an interest in doing so even if they have the evolutionary age to do so. Crawling is a phase that many babies spend to discover the environment and then, stand up and little by little, gain confidence to start walking. But is it bad if a baby does not crawl? In we will explain if it really is bad or not that your baby does not crawl discovering the most habitual habits that a child experiences throughout his growth.

Your baby may not be ready

If your baby is not crawling, it may be because he does not feel ready to do so. Avoid comparisons with other babies that have already begun to crawl and have the age of yours, each baby has a different learning and development rhythm, so, the fact that your child does not crawl does not have to be something significant .

There are many babies who need more time to start crawling and there are even babies who skip this process and go directly to stand and walk. As we just told you, every child is a world and your baby is unrepeatable but it is not bad for your baby not to crawl.

In this other article of what your baby should do three months after birth.

Babies crawl in many ways

Crawling techniques are not always the same in all babies. Maybe your baby has already begun to crawl but you have not noticed yet: some babies crawl, dragging their bellies or legs behind them; others crawl on their backs and others move in the tripod style, with both hands and one knee pushing their body forward and with the other leg to help them move forward.

Maybe your baby has started to crawl in these 'less usual' ways and you thought he was not doing it. But the reality is that your baby is likely to have already started with the learning process to walk. All this process is natural, you just have to have the camera ready to capture these special moments.

Test with a toy

If you want to train your baby to start crawling you can try a toy that you like and thus appreciate that you really do not have any physical problems. Put your favorite toy in front of your baby but you can not reach it (even if it's easy to do it) and then encourage him to take it with a lot of emotion and love.

It is also important that your child has enough time to explore the environment and try movements, but always under your supervision. Babies love to have fun with their parents, so if you play with them and cheer them up, you will be surprised by the results.

In this other article we give you a series of exercises for a baby to crawl.

Do not worry too much

Do not worry too much if your baby does not seem interested in crawling. What's more, doing it or not can also be marked by how your child's character is and if he's a little lazy he probably does not see motivation to move on all fours or maybe he does not have enough encouragement from adults that surround you. In these cases, sometimes children prefer to wait to feel prepared and start walking directly .

There are babies who skip the crawling and that nothing happens, even some begin to do it when they already know how to walk because they feel more confident to do it. It is also possible for a baby to crawl perfectly but not want to crawl. There is no instruction manual to know when a child should start crawling or not Some of them prefer not to.

In any case, it will always be a good idea to motivate and stimulate babies to improve their motor development. You can leave him face down or sitting with toys to see if that way he is interested in moving; Here we give you more tips so you can teach your baby to crawl.