What are the toxic plants for dogs

Dogs are the most common pets, playful, cheerful and very curious, are always willing to bring joy to our home. But it is very important to educate them well and be very aware of them when it comes to gardens, they love to play with plants, a habit that can become a problem if they ingest any that is harmful to them. In .com we give you a list of the most common toxic dog plants in our homes, so you can keep your animal safe and free of danger.

Steps to follow:


Lilacs, very common plants in domestic and public gardens, represent a great danger mostly for cats, although some species can also severely affect dogs. The types of lilacs known as cradle of Moses, lilies and those normally purchased to decorate our home are toxic to dogs, who can suffer stomach upset, depression and tremors when consuming them.


Another plant that is very toxic for both cats and dogs is the sago palm, very common in all types of gardens. Its content of cycasin makes it a danger, producing vomiting, diarrhea, liver damage and even death, so we must be very careful and as far as possible avoid having it in our homes.


Marijuana is also high risk for our dogs, which after eating may feel disoriented, dizzy, have excessive salivation, slow heart rate and tremors. It is a very harmful plant for the dog, as its effects on the organism of the animal can last several days.


As in the case of cats, azalea is also a toxic plant for dogs. Its intake can cause vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, loss of appetite, weakness and in more severe cases coma or death. Its consumption requires immediate attention by a veterinarian.


Daffodils are a very common type of lilac that is toxic to dogs, especially bulbs that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, excessive salivation, seizures and heart problems.


Very common in forests or large gardens, castor bean becomes a problem when we talk about the safety of our dogs. Its seeds when ingested cause burning and burning sensation in the mouth and throat of the animal, in addition to vomiting, diarrhea and excessive thirst. If the dog ingests less than 30 grams, it runs the risk of dying.


Aloe vera has many beneficial effects for health, but when it comes to pets it is convenient to have it out of reach of dogs and cats because it is toxic for both. Its intake causes vomiting, diarrhea, spasms, depression and changes in the color of the urine.


The bird of paradise, a beautiful exotic plant that is found in abundance in bouquets or in many public gardens, is also harmful to the dog producing nausea, vomiting and discomfort after its ingestion.


Diphenbachia is a classic in many homes, the latex circulating inside is very toxic, but since the symptoms occur as soon as the animal begins to eat the plant, it is very normal for the dog to stop eating it. On contact it can cause skin irritations, inflammation and blisters, if swallowed the animal will feel pain and burning in the mouth, swelling in the throat and stomach, difficulty swallowing, vomiting and respiratory distress.


Here you will be able to know the complete list of toxic plants for dogs to be prepared and to maintain the safety of your animal at all times.