How to teach children to go to the bathroom alone

Learning to control biological needs is a process that depends on the level of maturity that each child has and the way parents teach him. Rushing them will only create a battle between parents and child and will make learning a long and difficult process to assimilate. Sphincter control should be seen by the child as a sample of what is growing. This process has several stages for the children.

Steps to follow:


At two years, most children achieve neurological maturity to control their sphincters during the day. This achievement is quite unstable yet, so, at the beginning, it is important to try to find out which are the most frequent hours in which the child needs to go to the bathroom. It is also important to stimulate it when the child manages to do well.


By age three, most children have learned to be dry and clean during the day. However, accidents are frequent, because they do not reach the bathroom on time. The important thing is to show him that he is the one in charge of his body and that he is capable of controlling himself. At this age should not be a cause for concern if children wet the bed at night.


At four years old, only occasionally have daytime accidents. In contrast, during the night, the behavior is variable. Anyway, it is still not considered a symptom that must necessarily be treated, because at this age there are usually some setbacks in control when children are subjected to intense emotional pressures, as, for example, it could be entering school or the birth of a little brother


At five years old, they are quite autonomous and most of them do not get wet at night. But if they still can not get dry, do not punish them, because they will not solve the problem and only create another one. In this case consult with the pediatrician or a child therapist.


By age six, most children are already independent; Some begin to have modesty and like to be alone, so it is important to respect their privacy. At this age there are few children who wet the bed and, if they do, it means they need specialized help.