What are the personal pronouns in Spanish

Pronouns are those words that we use when we speak and write and whose function is simply to substitute a name . Among them, the personal pronouns refer to the three grammatical persons : the first or person who speaks, the second or person to whom it is spoken and the third, person to whom the conversation refers. To learn more about them, read on. In .com we explain what are the personal pronouns in Spanish.

Steps to follow:


Personal pronouns in Spanish are divided into two groups:

  • the personal pronouns tonic
  • the unstressed personal pronouns


The personal pronouns tonics can exercise the same function as a noun or name, since they substitute it. These are the forms of the personal pronouns tonics:

  • SINGULAR: me, me, with me, you, you, you, with you, he, she, you, it, yes, I get.
  • PLURAL: we, you, them, you.

In this way, they can function as

  • Subject:

Example: He will say.

  • Attribute:

Example: The people in charge are us .

  • Proposition term:

Example: My cousin will eat with you .


On the other hand, the forms of unstressed personal pronouns are:

  • SINGULAR: me, you, what, the, you, you.
  • PLURAL: nos, os, las, las, les, se.


The unstressed personal pronouns replace the different people when they act as complements of the verb and are not introduced by any preposition.

Ex: I bought it for you.


They can also act as forms of pronominal verbs, that is, as reflexive personal pronouns.

Ex: I have not eaten it.


Because of their unstressed character, these personal pronouns are pronounced necessarily linked to the verb, with which they form a single accentual unit. If they are located in front of the verb they are called "proclitic" and if they are behind it, "enclitic".

Ex: Give me the bag.

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