What are the best extracurricular activities for my children?

Extracurricular activities are very important for the development of children, especially when they are younger, because they help them learn to relate to others and enjoy them a lot. During this age it is very important to have fun and enjoy. The development of children depends to a large extent on what they learn from the games, therefore, we give you some ideas so you can see what is the best extracurricular activity for your children .


Sports are par excellence the favorite activity for the little ones and for the parents. Well, children are overcome by the stress of their classes. In turn, parents see sports as a good opportunity for children to exercise, improve their motor skills and play in a healthy environment with children of the same age, fostering a competitive spirit, team feeling and friendship.


Develop the child's abilities, both affective and intelligence. Music is one of the extracurricular activities preferred by the little ones, because in a short time, they see that they are capable of playing an instrument and that they recognize everything they have learned. Do not forget that they are regulated studies and, if the time comes, the child would like to live from it, it is possible. It's not just a hobby, it's a trade.


Theater. In general, all children love to act and look like the actors they see on television, but in particular, for the more timid, this can be the way to learn to communicate with others and overcome their shyness.

Drawing and painting. The plastic arts help children develop their motor skills. When they are very young they learn to make precise strokes and take the pencil or brush with a skill superior to the rest of the children of their age. As they grow, they will be able to experiment with the techniques and see which one they are most comfortable with.


Languages start to be a fundamental tool for any job at any level and, if you also like your child, it will be the perfect extracurricular activity . If the child attends a public or concerted school, not bilingual, his / her level of English may not be too high. An academy would be the perfect solution and, thus, learning a language from a young age, is much better internalized and will become part of your life. Knowing a second language such as English, French, German or, at this time, an emerging language such as Chinese, your future will have no limits.


Computer science is now part of our daily lives and children naturally learn to use it faster than parents, but it is one thing to know how to manipulate an electronic device and learn by "trial and error" and quite another to learn how to use it correctly and take advantage of it .

Special needs

Among many other activities, for children with down syndrome, autism or hyperactivity, two sports are usually recommended:

  • Riding. Especially in the case of autistic children. There are special programs that help them in all facets of life and that are very productive for the development of children and their relationship with the family. For it has been shown that horses help the development of the affective abilities of these children and incredible progress has been observed.
  • Martial arts. Studies show that they bring serenity and discipline to children and, in particular, to hyperactive children with down syndrome, it gives them the stability they need to live as normal as possible and interact with other children, helping them to develop the social skills that they usually lack.