How to be a good father

Although today men are less afraid of fatherhood, the truth is that not all face it with the same ease. It is true that the roles between father and mother have changed and the father plays a more active role in the education of the children. However, some advice to know how to be a good father always comes in handy. Pay attention to the ones we show you in the following article from.

Steps to follow:


Caring for a baby is not the exclusive job of a mother. A good parent should know how to change a diaper, give a bottle or bathe a child. The fear must be removed, because the truth is that a first-time mother, like a first-time father, does not know how to do all these tasks, which undoubtedly are learned through practice.


Formerly, the man worked and the mother took care of the children. Fortunately this has changed, even so, there are many men who still spend little time with their children. This is the main error. To be a good father, it is necessary to invest time with our children . It is the only way for bonds to grow and strengthen.


Sharing hobbies with your child can be wonderful. A good father will try to teach his children from a young age his favorite pastimes. So, if we are sports lovers, we can go with them to walk in the mountains, play football or go fishing.


It is imperative that a good father maintains the best relationship with the mother of his children, even more so if it is a question of separated parents. Both father and mother will avoid conflicts in which children may be involved. You have to leave the fights outside to get a benign family nucleus for the child.


Some men feel terror when it comes to expressing their feelings. Fortunately not all. However, if we are the ones who find it difficult to open up, we must leave those fears outside in the relationship with our children. A good father will embrace, kiss and praise his son whenever he can. Affection is the basis of a healthy relationship.


One parent is always more protective. In the case that it is the mother, the father should try to mediate and make him see that children learn by going through all kinds of times, even bad. We can not protect our little ones to the maximum just to make them feel safe . This will mean that in the future they do not know how to face life.


Finally, a good father will not be too demanding with his children. While it is true that we all have expectations, we must prevent them from spilling over to our children. They are what they are and they will be what they want to be, we can not force them to anything.